Casualties as suicide attack hits Afghan-NATO base


A suicide car bomb attack on a joint NATO-Afghan army base in eastern Afghanistan caused several casualties to Afghan forces on Wednesday, the International Security Assistance Force said.
“This morning a joint ISAF-ANSF combat outpost in Zurmat district in Paktiya province was attacked by insurgents using a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device,” an ISAF spokesman told AFP.
“Early reports say the attack resulted in several ANSF (Afghan National Security Forces) casualties, but there is currently no reporting on ISAF casualties,” he said.
A spokesman for the Paktiya provincial governor said the number of dead was unknown but that 10 wounded Afghan soldiers had evacuated.
Last month, Taliban insurgents launched a major attack on ISAF’s Camp Bastion in Helmand province, destroying millions of dollars worth of aircraft and killing two US marines.