British man dies competing in Hong Kong triathlon


A 27-year-old British man died while competing in a triathlon in Hong Kong at the weekend, police said Monday.
Daniel Bagshaw, a trainee solicitor, collapsed near the finish line of the ITU Triathlon Asian Cup near Hong Kong Disneyland on Sunday, having already completed the swimming and cycling stages of the race, reports said. The cause of death was not immediately clear but the Hong Kong Standard quoted medical officials as saying the man may have suffered from undiagnosed heart problems.
The newspaper said he had been living in Hong Kong for several years.
“The subject suddenly fainted while taking part in sports activities and was sent to Princess Margaret Hospital where he was certified dead,” a police statement said, without providing fuller details.
The race involved a 1,500 metre (1,650 yard) swim, 40 kilometre (25 mile) cycle ride and a 10 kilometre run. A 26-year-old man collapsed after crossing the finishing line of a half marathon in Hong Kong in February, and was certified dead after being sent to hospital.
ASADA to investigate White’s doping admission: The Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) said Monday it will launch an investigation after former Olympic cyclist Matt White admitted involvement in the Lance Armstrong doping conspiracy.
White, 38, has said he was part of a strategy of doping when he rode on the Armstrong-led US Postal Service cycling team from 2001 to 2003. He announced at the weekend that he was stepping down from his jobs as the sports director of the emerging Australian professional team Orica-GreenEDGE and his role in Cycling Australia’s men’s road racing programme.
Cycling Australia said it will meet this week to discuss what action it will take following his disclosure. ASADA said that in 2010 it became aware of allegations of doping made against White by American cyclist Floyd Landis. But the anti-doping agency said due to the federal investigation in the US and the subsequent United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) investigation, ASADA was unable to obtain information to pursue a thorough examination of those allegations until now.
“The confession of doping by Mr White is indeed a serious matter,” ASADA said in a statement. “The action of peer pressure to force any athlete to dope is abhorrent, but does not excuse the choice made by an individual athlete to participate in a team strategy that sets out to deceive the sport and its fans.”
ASADA said it pursued every case of doping as per its obligation under the World Anti-Doping Code and its own legislation. “Due to the extensive nature of the USADA report and the latest admission by Mr White, ASADA will be seeking further information from USADA and Cycling Australia as the relevant national sporting organisation,” it said.