Taliban offer protection to Imran Khan


The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has offered to provide security to Imran Khan for his party’s proposed rally in Waziristan, The Daily Telegraph reported on Monday. Senior Taliban commanders said a recent meeting headed by the group’s leader Hakimullah Mehsud set aside earlier instructions to send suicide bombers to assassinate the former all-rounder. Instead the group noted Khan’s strident opposition to US drone strikes against militants in its territory as it reversed course to offer security assistance. A spokesmen said: “We are ready to provide them security if they need. We endorse Imran Khan’s plea that drone strikes are against our sovereignty,” he said. “The anti-drone rallies should have been taken out by the religious leaders long ago but Imran had taken the lead and we wouldn’t harm him or his followers.” At a press conference, Khan said he had been promised the support of local tribes but was worried the government was opposed to allowing foreign peace campaigners and journalists to attend. “We feel no threat from any side but feel threatened by the forces which have been playing politics on this issue,” he said. “The government should take steps to provide security to the media persons, who would be covering the every bit of the proposed peace march.”


  1. It is very important for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) and its leadership to engage with the Pakistani tribes on its western border who are functioning under the name and the banner of Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

    The British Government engaged with Irish Republican Army (IRA) and brokered an agreement with the help of an American President. The situation was far more serious than this. I had the chance to interview some ex-British servicemen and the stories I heard about IRA were hair-raising.

    It is a disgrace and a very myopic view to say that this process should not take place and the comments like the above are strongly condemned. http://www.pakistantoday.mbt.pk/2012/10/02/news/n

  2. The so called 'Taliban" today were the mujahadeens of the 80s. Whenever America wants, they can turn one into a "Rebel" or a "Terrorist". I Stand by Imran Khan, and im glad so do the taliban. And believe me, im as liberal as it gets, i stayed abroad my whole life, but im sick of this american influence on my people. Lets END these drones, and live like brothers, and fight like brothers.

  3. he is the only one brave enough to speak to the taliban please Allah let him win pakistan needs a real leader

  4. First IK used to say Free judiciary is the key to every problem in this country, then is start saying only solution is early elections, then he raised slogan for end of war against terrorism, then he started shouting on corruptions of Sharifs and Zardari, then he marched towards Quetta for a rally to demonstrate his street power (obviously for no cause or reason) and now he is heading towards Waziristan ! –

    What a joke this joker is playing with this young (angry) nation – those who are educated and liberal must know that IK and Taliban are same because he IK cannot say a single word against the killers of our JAWANS and Soldiers who are defending Pakistan and its people from these mercenaries (paid killers). Hence I.K has become the Leader (without beard) of Taliban forces. Its time to re-think for the educated people of Pakistan – where this guy is leading them to. !!!

    • Pak army is paid to go after these paid mercenaries…u think the Army happily likes to live in these mountains? All u liberal self styled intellectual douches with not an inch of knowledge of history should know that this so called WoT is nothing but a simple tool-a tool for implementing USA foreign policy goals and objectives…i COMPLETELY support Imran Khan's move because the reality is…this WAR cant be won, atleast if u think that after a decade of trying to exterminate Taliban has resulted in it becoming only stronger and more influential….DO U YOU GUYS HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT WAR DOES TO A COUNTRY'S ECONOMY?

      USA economy is crippling…they owe almost $3.5 TRILLION debt to China so wtf you think is happening to Pakistans economy?

  5. Question to All those favoring War on terror

    USA, best largest most sophisticated army airforce, having F22 raptors that can destroy our complete airforce on their own, failed miserably to win this war on terror…and they have their tails between their legs now because they cant afford it anymore.

    So tellme Internet warriors…how long…..do u think Pakistan can fight and deal with this on their own? or even with minuscule aid from US?

    Pakistan can not afford a full fledged war with India more than a few days 🙂

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