PM still hopeful of some Russian love


Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf has said that Pakistan attaches great importance to its relations with Russian Federation and is keen to intensify economic relations between the two countries.
In a meeting with Russian Delegation in Islamabad on Monday‚ the Prime Minister said the growing economic cooperation between the two countries in various fields has given new impetus to the bilateral relations.
The Prime Minister noted with satisfaction that MOU for the expansion of Pakistan Steel Mills has been approved by the Cabinet and ready for signature by both the sides. The Prime Minister also appreciated the cooperation being extended by Russian Federation for the conversion of Jamshoro and Muzafargarh Thermal power plants from furnace oil to coal.
The Prime Minister urged on the need to facilitate visas to Pakistani Business Community with a view to enhance Business to Business Contacts‚ which will have a positive impact on the volume of trade between the two sides. The Prime Minister was informed that text of the MOU regarding Cooperation in Railways has been approved by Ministry of Railways of Pakistan and Transmashholdings Russia.
The Prime Minister was further informed that besides Energy‚ transportation and Steel Sectors‚ the State Corporation of Russian Technologies are also keen to explore more opportunities of investment in Pakistan.


  1. PM is rightly saying still hopeful for Mr.Putin`s visit to Pakistan,Russia is a great and confidential freind and its`policies are not like that as U.S.A to donate aids and make them slaves.Russia is a sincere freind and is a freind of indded is a freind of deen.Mr.Potin is requested to reveiw the decision and must visit to Pakistan as early as possible to keep the mouths of enemies of Pakistan`s mouths SHUT.WE WELLCOME AND SPREAD OF BUNDLES OF LOVES WITH RED ROSES TO GIVE HIM WARM WELLCOME TO PAKISTA.N.PAKISTAN RUSSIA LONG LIVE FREINDSHIP FOR PAKISTAN RUSSIA PAINDABAD WITH GREAT LOVE TO THEM.

    • with all respect, it is easier to talk/deal with USA, again its better for Pakistan at world stage to be in USA camp. Russia on other hand is reactionary state, state controlled by few and affirs are run in a mafia style, they already lost the legintimacy and respect. Inshort, History is evident that Pak can't work with them and russain policy towards pakistan will be influenced by India. it would be illusion, better stick with old guards who are tested and understood and Pak shouild think of their intereset rather then emotions.

  2. Pakistan hasnt and will not fit in new designs of world by USA! It chooses to be on Russian side or it will be pushed to them soon anyway having no choice!

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