SC seeks report on spy agencies’ death squads


The Supreme Court of Pakistan (SC) sought a response from the civil and military leadership on the alleged “death squads” being run by intelligence agencies as it resumed hearing in the Balochistan law and order and missing persons case on Thursday.
Thursday’s hearing was attended by Balochistan National Party leader and a former chief minister of Balochistan, Sardar Akhtar Mengal.
Heading the three-member bench of Justice Jawad S Khawaja and Justice Khilji Arif Hussain, Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry said the court had issued 60 orders during 68 hearings in the case, but no practical step had been taken.
The court also told the Balochistan chief secretary to deliver Sardar Akhtar Mengal’s message to the federal and provincial leadership and sought from him a written reply on the issue on the next hearing.
The CJ further told the chief secretary to discuss the issue with the president, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) director general and Military Intelligence (MI) DG and to inform the court in writing what steps were being taken to resolve the issue.
The chief justice said in his remarks that the missing persons would be recovered and the court would go to any extent, if needed, to achieve the purpose.
“All overt and covert operations must be put to an end and the displaced Baloch should be rehabilitated,” the CJ said.
Justice Chaudhry said FIRs would be lodged against those held responsible and the cases would be heard in high courts rather than lower courts.
Appearing in court, an emotional Mengal poured his heart out to the SC.
He said the issue of missing persons was critical for the province and the roots to the problem could be found in the 65-year political history of the province, adding that every government deceived the people of Balochistan and the issue had gone beyond the control of agencies.
He alleged that the ‘death squads’ of intelligence agencies were exterminating nationalists. Mengal alleged that the agencies should be held responsible for the situation in Balochistan which was worse than that of Kashmir and Palestine.
Mengal said he had appeared in court only to discuss the missing persons issue, adding that without the resolution of the missing persons issue the 65-year-old political issue could not be resolved.
The nationalist leader said the province had undergone five military operations and no one was answerable, asking what fault had the victims committed.
death squads
Mengal also claimed that during the military rule, every attempt was made to suppress the political voice of the Baloch people. He said attempts were still being made to eliminate the genuine leadership of the Baloch people and replacing them with artificial leaders who were “manufactured in factories” and the federal and provincial lawmakers never visited the rural areas of the province and remained confined to the ministerial secretariat. The former chief minister said nationalist leadership was being specifically targeted, adding that the heirs of the late Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti were not even allowed to attend his funeral. Mengal said if an order was issued to rehabilitate the Baloch displaced since 10 years, it would be a step forward.
The BNP leader said he had seen a ray of hope after 65 years on the matter of missing persons. The court later adjourned proceedings until today (Friday).


  1. Finally we have official exposure of the agency-sponsored death squads that have been marauding the length and breath of Balochistan creating terror and hatred for Pakistan. It now puts an end to the pretentious double speak of 'no ongoing military operation in Balochistan'.
    If the law of the land is to respected then the creators of these squads should be sought ought and then booked for murder.

    • Yes SC again crossed this line which is all time marked by establishment not to cross it at all cost.Ch Iftikhar again put him on high risk

  2. SC under immense pressure again marked a historic decision .It i surely last effort to secure Baluchistan ofr further break up.I am sure now CJP is agian tried to hit by establishment with new kind of scandal and it has alresdy predicted by Ansar abbasi too.
    Baluchistan history of conflict is very simple just same fatal errors are repeated to dis-balance the power fulcrum between two mad elephants those clash create violence in surroundings for its inhabitants.
    For the last 67 years these are only point of conflicts there
    Feudal lords Vs army establishment
    Enriched in mineral wealth
    Important geographic location( toward Iran and Afghanistan) and Geo political position
    Orthodox living set as locals are not interested to adopt new ways in their life styles but there are chances that education can bring change in this regard but when don't know.

  3. Mr. Mengal what have you & your forefathers have done for Balochistan in your Sardari or fiefdom for centuries? No one can exploit you unless you want to be exploited! You & your ancestors had been hands-in-gloves with same establishment in past. Surrender yourself to your own people first. Surely charity begin at home. And don’t run away from your country if your heart ‘pours out’ for them. Hypocrites.

  4. Yes bring everyone to justice who have been involved in killing of innocent humans including these Sardars who run private jails & death squads! Wished courts could ask these Sardars about their affairs! Bring them back from their cosy livings in Dubai, Switzerland etc.

    • You are quite right but why these people never rebel against their feudal lord as we have seen in Punjab.These bolochis all time seeing attacking FC and army and agencies but I found no group who take stand against their all time ruling class.

  5. The apex court has taken the correct approach as for as the death squad of agencies are concerned. For the first time in the history of this country the Judges of Supreme court have taken the bold step of exposing the death squad of agencies, to prevent further blood shed in Balochistan which may eventually result in secession. Baloch Sardars have always benefited at the cost of their poor, nevertheless, the politics of Sardars cannot be a pretext for abduction and torture of Nationalists.

  6. There are no comparisions here! Baloch Sardars must be held to account like everyone else! Thats why i said; wished courts had taken that into consideration! Ms. Nazia if you are telling me that Baloch are loyal to their Sardars & not others, then why all these Sardars go abroad & stay there? What is keeping them backwards & oppressed? Can never defend agencies but you need two hands to clap!

  7. SC is a cowardly institution who can't stand a single mullah…do they take notice of Shia killing…this is all nonsense to pressurise army to back them against Zardari.

  8. Baloch are extraordinary loyal to their sardars and they have no vision of life other than their backward style .These are sardar who are first hand criminals of their land and people but they cant be punished until ther get some resistance form their own people.The double living standard of their sardars is self explanatory to them that what the standard of living they maintaining for themselves and what facilities they grant to their people.52 member provincial assembly is all time ready to sale its interests for personal favors and for controlling feuds with another tribes.So SC did its job but no change will appear in people unless they would give reaction to these sardars who are throwing them in front of ruthless state law enforcing agencies.

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