Bilour announces $100,000 for murder of blasphemous pastor


Federal Minister for Railways Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour has announced a cash reward of one lakh dollars for the murder of blasphemous filmmaker who produced the sacrilegious film.
Talking to media here on Saturday, Bilour warned that such blasphemous will no more be tolerated by the Muslims.


  1. He is using people money for these political stunts. He himself looks like a drunk man whenever he comes and talks on tv. Wat a shame we have such type of leaders who r enjoying their lives on people money where people r dying for bread.

  2. Someone should wall off Pakistan and Afghanistan together and not let any of that trash out.. Let them kill each other.. What a waste of the worlds resources keeping this garbage alive as the welfare state it is…

  3. these kind statements are not the job for the minister of railways…he should focus on railway only… he should be fired for such statements and for the way the railway is being run anyway….as long as zardari and nawaz come in power nothing will change in this country…it will be from one mafia to an to another….make your vote count in next elections pakistan…and raise your voice against injustices…..

  4. This does not reflect well on him or on Pakistan when a governor cannot see the stupidity of bringing in Rimsha in this outrageous argument , just like mr so called tsunami fails to see how offensive it is to compare blasphemy with holocaust , and now a federal minister has money to hire a killer ? Just when I had thought Pakistan cannot go any lower , it's leaders and mainstream media prove me wrong !

  5. Help me understand , why this will not make people outside this misery land will make more suspicious of Pakistani people ? How it will affect people wanting to get visa to get out of this hell hole ? Why will this not support the argument that Pakistan should be on the list of states that sponsor terrorism when it's federal ministrs are declaring bounties like this ?

    • All very valid points. This particular statement is purely political because elections are going to be held in the next few months and this minister is trying to earn some votes from the hardliners. The population of Pakistan is over 150 million and if you look at the history of elections, whenever they were held, the hardliners have never gotten more than 5% of seats in the parliament which shows that common people do not support them. The problem is that these hardliners have highjacked the entire country and this cancer is hurting the rest of the country.

  6. He will give this amount from his own pocket which surely he earned by selling iron of Pakistan railway or he would make hole on national exchequer for such kind of religious target a failed minister.

  7. Why did the media even publish this rubbish? When is the media going to realize its responsibilities and stop sensationalizing its publications? Are these types of news worthy of publication? Why has this ahole minister not publically reprimanded by the incumbent government for his statement? No wonder why this country is getting closer to the stone age with every passing day.

  8. Actually, there should be a bounty on this corrupt minister's head for the billions that he has earned via corruption. You see, I have never seen a fatwa or decree given on corruption.

    • yes this is urgent need of time.One shouldn't miss this fatwa try to contact maulana diesel whom share is now eaten away with this Bilour group.

  9. He is using people money for these political stunts. He himself looks like a drunk man whenever he comes and talks on tv. Wat a shame we have such type of leaders who r enjoying their lives on people money where people r dying for bread.

  10. Someone should wall off Pakistan and Afghanistan together and not let any of that trash out.. Let them kill each other.. What a waste of the worlds resources keeping this garbage alive as the welfare state it is…

  11. This idiot does not have a clue of the ramifications , some of these are: they will be even more suspicious of Pakistani on their soil, it can be grounds to consider seriously whether Pakistan is a terrorist state as even a federal minister is offering money to kill one of their citizens who has committed no crime according to their laws by making this movie . Do only idiots go in politics in Pakistan ?

  12. Evrey one knwo that ANp is secular party but on this issue we r united that if anyone who do this kind of shamefull act not b tolereted. Gostahai rasool ki aik saza sar tan sai jooda. Thank u Baloor saab aap nai aik umati ka haq aada kardiya. Ham sab pihlai musalman hai awar rasool kai ghulam hain bad mai ANP PPP PMLN JI JUI SUNI SHIYAH Hi . Thanks again Bailor saab hamai aap par pakhar hai. As silsilai mai baqi joomatun kai qaiydeen ko aagai aana chahai. Awar imam humini ki tarah in mardodoun ki sar ki qimat rakni chahaiy. Geo Ghulam ahmad Bailoor.Geo ANP.

  13. As regards to the respect for the Prophet Muhammad, Quran says: “Verily, those who malign Allah and His Messenger – Allah has cursed them in this world and in the hereafter and has prepared for them an abasing punishment.” (33:58)
    The Quran does not say that if someone defames or slanders Prophet Muhammad, Muslims should seek revenge by killing or hurting them. Instead, the Quran clearly states that it is up to God to determine their punishment.

    • Dear Mr. Asif, after Fath-e-Meccah, everybody was forgiven, but order was issued by Prophet Muhammad (saw) to execute all those involved in blasphemy even if they are found clutching the Ghilaaf-e-Kaaba. Everything cannot be found in the Quran, therefore Sunnah and Seerat should also be referred to. Consult an aalim of any sect (sunni, shia, deobandi, barelvi,ahl-e-hadith), he will agree with me. Contact Dr.Zakir Naik of Peace TV for the speeches of Dr. Asrar Ahmed and Ahmed Deedat (India) "Should Rushdie die?". The punishment for blasphemy against ANY prophet is death sentence in Islam. Contact me again and correct me if i am wrong because i am not an aalim but i have heard this from many ulema. Regards. I will wait for your reply.

  14. sir agha ali, he knows railway cant afford that's why he planed to collect this amount from the people to build new cinemas.

  15. I hate to say it but there are 30 comments on this article,you are forgetting that some of you(not all of you) morons voted for him like some of you idiots voted for Zardari and PPP,now pay the piper people.You earned it.

  16. I congratulate you Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour for this courageous announcement. But please dont interfere in moon-sighting. All those who celebrated eid-ul-fitr on sunday 19/8/12 or before, should keep qaza roza(s) because moon could not be sighted after sunset on 18/8/12. Also do something to improve the railway system.

  17. If Obama had the balls, instead of spending $70,000 of our tax dollars apologizing to these savages, he would raise the bounty to $1 Million for the head of Bilour. And where did the minister of railways get so much cash? If I was a poor pakistani I'd be asking that question. As for Muslims being offended, hell it doesn't take much to offend these SOB's. Pigs, dogs, bacon, photo, music, dancing, and a thousand other reasons for Muslims to riot. What I like most is when they do riot and Muslims end up dead. Who's fault is it then? When will Muslims ever become a civilized society and stop acting like the savages they are today?

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