Pakistan to observe ‘Love Prophet Day’ tomorrow


Pakistan has announced to observe “Love Prophet Day” on Friday.
Earlier on Thursday, hundreds of students and protesters entered red zone of the capital city and tried to approach the diplomatic enclave in order to protest outside US embassy.
Police fired tear gas shells and baton charged the protesters to stop them from moving forward.
A complete shutter down and traffic jam strike would be observed tomorrow (Friday) across Pakistan as the government has announced a public holiday to celebrate ‘Love the Prophet Day’ in honor of the Prophet and against the blasphemous film created in US that sparked violent protests across the Muslim world.
Various political and religious parties have announced to organize public rallies to protest against the anti-Islam movie in all large and small cities and towns across the country.
US diplomatic missions in Pakistan would also be closed for public dealing on Friday while security arrangements have been tightened around American consulates and embassies in the country to avoid any mishap.
US embassy in Islamabad confirmed the closure of its diplomatic missions in Pakistan on Friday.
Pakistan government on Wednesday decided to observe the coming Friday as ‘Love the Prophet Day’ and declared it a national holiday, condemning an anti-Islam film that has triggered unrest and protests across the Muslim world.
Chairing a meeting of his cabinet, PM Raja Pervez Ashraf called on people to protest peacefully against the film.
The cabinet set aside its agenda to condemn the anti-Islam film and decided to observe September 21 as ‘Youm-e-Ishq-e-Rasool’ or ‘Love the Prophet Day’ to convey the government’s protest against the film. The day was also declared a national holiday.
“I intend that a message should go to the world that the federal cabinet of Pakistan strongly condemns this sacrilegious film which has created unrest amongst Muslims. At this moment, I call upon the people of Pakistan to register their protest peacefully but to observe restraint and not to damage their own property,” Ashraf said.
The PM said he had already directed the information technology ministry to block YouTube “to register our protest at the availability of this sacrilegious film on the website” and to demand its immediate removal.
Ashraf suspended all items on the agenda for the cabinet meeting, which discussed ways to express Pakistan’s resentment over the film.


  1. I fully support the Govt effort. However, I do not agree with the title given to this holiday. We, Muslims, love our Prophet not for a day only. We love our prophet above all, all the time in this life and hereafter. Govt. needs reconsider the name being used for this day. I would like to register my protest as well and fully agree with the efforts otherwise.

  2. Pakistanis are expert of showing off their violent love to their Prophets and their regarding relations.what happened in somewhere else has become nightmare for us who want to peacefully live in this land without fear of attack and killing by unknown.Why these JI activists never ever tried to cordon off GHQ which is fully responsible of this lengthy war on terror, drone attacks, NATO supply and missing people and their homeland.

    • The militants held the GHQ hostage for hours. JI is not trained enough for the job of cordoning off the GHQ. To live peacefully in this world and in the hereafter, one has to be at peace with the Creator. Blame the maniacs first then the Pakistanis. To defend yourselves against fear of attack and killing, read the dua reported by Hazrat Abu-Darda (razi-Allah-unho), "Allah humma anta rabbi ……………….till the end …………..inna rabi alaa sirat-e-mutaqeem. For the last 25 years Alhamd-o-lillah I am safe due the barkat of this dua.

  3. "The PM said he had already directed the information technology ministry to block YouTube" = we can not be trusted to not behave like animals when confronted with AN IDEA that we do not like. This is a serious indictment of our culture and religion.

  4. 1. Love of the Prophet will make even criminals worthy of his (saw) shafa'at on the day of judgement.__2. The PM has advised us "not to damage our own property". I request my Pakstani brothers not to damage anybody's property.__3. US embassy in Islamabad confirmed the closure of its diplomatic missions in Pakistan on Friday. I pray they remain closed for good,__ never to open again.__4. Security arrangements have been tightened around American consulates and embassies in the country to avoid any mishap. They should__ be beseiged and inmates held hostage until Terry Jones, Sam Bacile and Steve Klein are decapitated or hanged publicly. Otherwise, the__ ambassador and company should be expelled immediately. Continued……..see below………….

  5. In urdu they say, "laaton ke bhooth baaton se nahin mantey".__5. YouTube and Google should also register their protest to the US and movie-makers and demand action against the culprits.__6. Muslims and non-Muslims all over the world must stand with Pakistan and strive to discourge such acts by maniacs and demand that the__ culprits shoud be hanged, decapitated and thus given exemplary punishment.I remember Saeed Hashmi naat, "agar koi apna bhalaa chahtaa hai, usey chaahey jis ko Khuda chaahtaa hai, Khuda ki razaa Mustufa __ (saw) chaahtey hain, Khuda Mustufa (saw) ki razaa chaahtaa hai". True lover of prophet is one who obeys and immitates him (saw). in all walks of life, from head to toe and 24/7. Regards.

    • since you say that a "true lover of prophet is one who obeys and imitates him" so if someone says something that you do not like and as a result you decapitate him or kidnap staff of an embassy, as you are suggesting , then that means that either you are imitating your prophet or you are not a true lover? If your answer is that you are both then you will be negating the thing that a lot of people say about your religion, that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance, as decapitating someone just because you do not like what he thinks about your prophet is hardly an example of tolerating others. You tolerate things that you do not like, you dont tolerate things that you do like, you enjoy them.

      • After "Fath-e-Meccah", the "Conquest of Mecca", in 8 Hijri, everbody was forgiven. However, order was issued by the Prophet (saw), after receiving command from Allah via Jibraeel (as) that all those involved in blasphemy should be executed even if found clutching the Ghilaf-e-Kaaba near Hateem. I a not an aalim (scholar of Islam) so please confirm from the Ulema. I have heard this from many scholars of Islam, including the late Dr. Asrar Ahmed (ra) and late Ahmed Deedat (ra) of India – "Why Rushdie should be executed? Contact Dr.Zakir Naik of Peace TV for recordng of their speeches. It is not that I or any muslim dosen't tolerate blasphemy, Allah does not tolerate blasphemy about His beloved (saw). Now the debate is not between me and you or anyone. The debate is between the Creator and the creation. The speeches of these scholars are aired on Peace TV and Dr. Zakir Naik can be consulted on the issue of blashphemy, if you are not in touch with a local aalim in your area. What is the meaning of r2d2? Please respond. Regards.


  7. What a waste of time. Now this so called prophet now needs the prop of his believers so others would respect him. There is no bigger joke than this. If a silly movie can bring dishonour to the reputation of this Prophet, then Muslims are walking on thin ice. Or is it that the movie is actually telling us the truth, calling it as we all see it, telling us that the Emperor really has no clothes.

    • Jag, religion is a support system for otherwise very fragile people and if their crutch of religion is shaken by 14 minute clip they get deranged and unstable.

      • Your crutch is pretty broken in that case and may nt be worth holding on to. Non one holds on to broken things and that would include a broken God and a broken Prophet. I am not religious. However, I am logical.

        • jag, read my comments again , maybe on rereading you would realize that I have not said that religion is my crutch. I would rather die than to surrender my independent thinking and feel all powerful and self righteous with support of any religion

  8. After September 11, 2001, there were some protests and verbal abuse of Indian and Pakistani living in the US. The US govt. immediately had a press conference and attorney General at the time Ashcroft said: anyone who abuses or hurts anyone just because they look foreign do not represent our true character as Americans, BUT the worst American. He also declared that any such abuse will be treated as a Hate Crime. The US media behaved responsibly and calmed the situation down. Now lets see what our Govt did when a US ambassador was brutally murdered along with three other Americans in Libya, they totally focussed on the third rate video that someone produced somewhere in California and endorsed the protests, nothing negative was said about the killers. Our Govt. endorsed the protests in Pakistan against the US and lawyers and other ignorant people like them when they burnt flags and broke into the Red zone again no one was arrested. No notice from the CJ either ! The interior minister invited protests instead and the media had all the fanatics talk about so called blasphemy rather than the barbaric way Muslims reacted.

    I believe since most of the Muslims have lived such a inhibited life in their strictly controlled dictatorial countries that they cannot even understand what freedom of speech is. Those who have lived sometime outside were still not able to set their thinking free and that is why even the oxford educated leaders have the audacity to compare blasphemy with Holocaust. It is going to take ages for this mindset to get their head out of somewhere.

    By the way, can anyone tell me what american news channels most of the homes in Pakistan get ?

    • 1.CNN Note1: not "most" but "many" Note 2: Only the American viewpoint is aired – mostly the government's.
      2.NATIONAL GEOGRAPHICS (NOT A NEWS CHANNEL) (Apllies to all news American news channels)
      10.ESPNNEWS. Note 3:can anybody tell me what Pakistani news (other) channels homes in the US get and what r2d2 means?

  9. There is nothing wrong with the video. Muslims just dont know how to live in 21st century and invasions, violence loots have always been and integral part of Muslim psyche. They just want a reason to explode.
    Can you force me to respect your religion or prophet, when are clearly told not to believe in anything other than what has been mentioned in Koran ?
    What sort of religion or prophet it is that needs so much vigilance and protection ?
    None other than the Pakistanis misuse Youtube more as most of hatred and religious videos are uploaded from Pakistan. Infact beofe Pakistan bans Youtube, YOutube should disallow any uploading from the terror state.

    • actually I feel sorry for Pakistan, they have been left so far behind in mental sophistication. If you see the tv talk shows and the mental calliber of their big anchors and favorite politicians you would feel like puking

    • "Jeet" means vicory in urdu. I can't figure out r2d2, beats me. Your question: What sort of religion or prophet it is that needs so much vigilance and protection?" Answer: The Prophet of Islam (saw) , the Quran and the religion of Islam needs no vigilance and protection from anybody. Infact Islam, when it was actually practised, provided vigilance and protection to all muslims, non-muslims, non-beleivers, humans, animals and the entire creation. Allah alone is enough to cater for the needs of His creation. The word "Islam" has many meanings, "salaam – mercy, peace, tasleem – subjection to divine orders, etc. Please don't watch the hatred videoes uploaded from Pakistan. Nobody will, or can force you to watch them. I agree YouTube should have some censoring system on uploading of material, but it should be applied globally (US included), and not just for Pakistan. YouTube is also a culprit behind all this. Let's Sue YouTube! By the way in your debate with r2d2, who is winning e.i. "jeeting? Jeet should win. Regards.

  10. Prophets are made by people. The real truth to a good caring useful life comes from inside each individual. Be strong. Learn to be yourself. Do not blindly follow anyone or any religion.

    • Never heard of people-made prophets! Where do you get them? I agree "Do not blindly follow anyone or any religion". Follow Islam and the Prophet (saw) open-eyedly and open-mindedly. LPH is the abbreviation of ………..? I only know LPG – liquid petroleum gas. WPM in typing is "words per minute", so LPH can be "lines per hour. Right? Share with us, i'm just guessing. r2d2 can be "ring to, dial to". But who should dial and what number? , yawn! i'm tired after typing 30 LPH – lines per hour. Nice to reply to you, we'll talk again. Regards.

  11. Only protest isn’t enough. Lobby at international forums for making international laws to contain such fanaticism in the name of Freedom of Speech is required to sort this once and for all.

  12. we love our Prophet (PBUH) so v cant allow u people to disgrace Him.
    in ur point of view v r terrorist, i ask u y u non muslims do these things time and again and rose the anger of Muslims.
    u bastrds kill millions of muslim children,women,old bt u r not terrorist? bt if v only protest the attacks on our religious beliefs thn v r terrorists… wht a standard?

  13. Only protest isn't enough. Lobby at international forums for making international laws to contain such fanaticism in the name of Freedom of Speech is required to sort this once and for all.

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