Police duty and Facebook!


The next time your boss catches you browsing Facebook while on the job, tell them you just may be helping to solve a crime. After all, the Tazewell County Sheriff’s Office used Facebook to track down a missing sex offender after his girlfriend “liked” the department’s page on the social networking site. Local CBS affiliate WJHL reports that Dyllan Naecher, 29, is a convicted sex offender in Maryland. He was allegedly hiding out with his girlfriend Samantha Dillow, 22, in Virginia. We still don’t know exactly what motivated Dillow, but for some reason she decided to “like” the local police department’s Facebook page. Tazewell County police then used the geographic stamp left by Dillow’s “like” to pinpoint her residence. Naecher was taken into custody and now faces charges in Virginia for failing to register as a sex offender. He could also face federal charges for crossing state lines. And if he’s given Internet access in jail, don’t be surprised if one of his first activities is unfriending Dillow on Facebook. Dillow herself is also in trouble with the law, facing charges of obstruction of justice for harboring Naecher.