PML-N trying to break Pakistan: Altaf


Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain has alleged that the Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N), along with Sindh nationalist parties wants to break the country.
Calling an emergency workers’ conference in Karachi on Saturday, he criticised the policies of the PML-N saying that the MQM will not let PML-N’s dream come true.
He vowed, “The PML-N has looted the rights of people in Seraiki and Bahawalpur provinces. Altaf Hussain, till his last breath, will fight for the rights of the people in South Punjab and Hazara.”
Commenting on the recently passed Sindh Local Government Ordinance and the criticism against it, Hussain said that the people who are opposing the implementation of the system in Sindh are enemies of democracy.
“The entire world works on a specific system. The local government system is the basis of democracy,” he maintained and added that the parliament has no importance without this system.
“We will bring the local government system in Sindh. Those opposing it are against Pakistan,” Hussain remarked.
“Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s so-called leaders should stop being concerned about Sindh and should think about their own province. I also want to tell those leaders that the Pakhtuns in Karachi are with MQM, not with ANP (Awami National Party),” he said.
He further asked the people of Sindh to make nationalist parties’ strike on September 13 unsuccessful by staying united.


  1. Altaf the PM in exile said " till his last breath, will fight for the rights of the people in South Punjab and Hazara.”I wonder how he will do it sitting 4000 miles in UK in his hide out.He is like a general leading his troops from behind -he is not a man but a mouse'who puts others lives in the firing line

  2. This coward cow who iz hiding in UK infact want to break Pakistan. His blaming statement shows his intentions. Who the hell is he ?? what he is talking about ? He has not seen his country for last 20 years so how come he has feelings for Pakistan. Lier…

  3. Those who don't learn from history; repeats history. Baluchistan will become a separate country, so do Sind. When Bengal demanded a separate nation, people in Pakistan, especially in Punjab thought it was a joke. but the Bengali proved the Pakistanis wrong. Pakistani army was humiliated in Bengal and had to surrendered to the Indian army. It was the biggest humiliation of a Muslim army in world history. Creation of Pakistan was a great blunder of Indian Muslims. Punjab and Frontier both opposed the creation of Pakistan. This is the true history. A nation which was born in the false name of Islam will be destroyed by Islam . Recent affairs of Pakistan proves my point. Its a failed state with no future. Its a nation which has nothing in common….A nation which has nothing in common has no right to exit. I don't blame Punjabi people but their leadership which will bring the demise of Pakistan. Days of Pakistan are numbered. Thanks to Punjab!

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