PPP decides not to ‘touch’ blasphemy law


The parliamentary party of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) on Tuesday out rightly rejected any amendments to the blasphemy laws in the wake of the Rimsha Masih case and decided unanimously that any move to amend the law might trigger a new controversy.
The PPP Parliamentary Party met at Parliament House on Tuesday with Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf in the chair.
A source said proposals to amend the blasphemy law were raised during the meeting, however, former minister for religious affairs Hamid Saeed Kazmi made a speech over the issue and proposed that no such move should be carried out due to sensitive nature of the issue.
“Kazmi advised the party to mull amendments to the procedure of law as there were flaws in its implementation but there was no gap in the law,” the source added.
The source said some lawmakers had raised proposals to amend the blasphemy laws to improve the law and make it friendly to the minorities and other communities living across the country. However, the source said the parliamentary party unanimously rejected any such move.
“Most of the party lawmakers agreed to Kazmi’s proposal and decided it was not the right time to touch the blasphemy law, as general election was nearing and the party should not face any new controversy that might trigger a religious conflict,” the source added.
The source said Law Minister Farooq Naik gave a detailed briefing to the meeting over the issue of writing a letter to Swiss authorities under the Supreme Court’s verdict on National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) and said the government was implementing the constitution vis-à-vis the letter issue.
“The law minister gave a detailed briefing to the party’s lawmakers and said the court was pressing the government contrary to constitutional provisions. He also said that former prime minister Yousaf Raza Gilani had been convicted in violation of the constitution,” the source said.
Asked whether the law minister dropped any hint whether or not the government would write the letter, the source said that the law minister did speak his mind over the issue, adding that the final decision would be taken by President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf. The source said the meeting also approved a four percent increase in minority seats for national and provincial assemblies. He said the grievances of the minorities would be redressed amicably. The demand of increase in seats for minorities had recently been made by PML-Q MNA and Minister of State for Interfaith Harmony Akram Masih Gill.
The source said it was also decided during the meeting that legislation would also be enacted for the recovery of all pending electricity bills and FIA and NAB would be authorized to take action against defaulters.
The meeting discussed the local government elections and the caretaker setup as well. Law Minister Farooq Naik briefed the meeting on legal matters regarding the issues.
The source added that it was decided that a meeting of the parliamentary party of allies will be held on Wednesday to expedite progress on pending issues.
During the meeting, Raja Pervez Ashraf said the credit for the continuity of the present democratic dispensation goes to the wisdom, sagacity and farsightedness of the president.
“The parliament is completing its constitutional term which is a singular achievement in the face of multifarious challenges to democracy and despite the fact that Pakistan People’s Party did not even have a simple majority,” he added.
Ashraf said only democracy could solve the problems faced by the country. The prime minister said the PPP had offered great sacrifices for upholding the cause of democracy and protect the rights of the people.
He said no one should entertain any doubts about the success of democratic system in the country.
The prime minister invited all parliamentarians to submit suggestions regarding improvement in governance as well as development of the country.


  1. No one is going to touch this beast, called the blasphemy law because no one has the courage to ammend it. Minorities are going to feel the brunt of this flawed law. Unless laws like these are redefined, there is no safe place for minorities in Pakistan. This is NOT Jinnah's Pakistan. This has become a hostage to the MoFo mullah's.

    • U should be ashamed of yourself. There is problem in system not LAW. Have u studied complete. Just ignorant and parroty arguments with are spoiling the mind of the people.

  2. Who the fock is Hamid Saeed Kazmi? Is that the same guy who IS CONVICTED on charges of Hajj Scam? Who is he to share his views on future law making?

    • excuse me, first of all he is not convicted because he is not proven guilty, till now even a single penny in hajj scandal is not proven to hamid kazmi, second thing who are you to decide who will make law or not,in ur comment you clearly show that ur family background belong to yazeed,marwaan, shimmer or may be ibne ziyad

      • Hah you are just non sense man who doesn't even know what he is saying. Yazeed marwan shimmer? Are they your relatives? Because no one in my family have these names. I am citizen of this country. I am just expressing my opinion on public domain. Hamid Saeed Kazmi according to law is a convicted person who hold no office of any ministry. His opinions are entitled to nothing.

  3. Well, well, PPP's claims of a liberal party heading a colaition of liberals stands exposed and so do their claims for protecting our minorities

  4. Can I ask who was responsible for fleecing 40,000 poor Hajis?. Did the angels inflict this upon them because the government has not prosecuted anybody, none from the Min of Religious Affairs, Hajj Doirctorate etc. This fake creep pir, seems to have a lot in common with the Pir Gill who were PHDs in Corruption Fraud & Deceit.

  5. jxt coz they want to assassinate their another minister or governor coz of this stupid law…. approved by dictator assembly… shame on you ppp…. and those who use it jxt to remove the minorities….. from their areas…..

  6. A religion like christianity, can produce things like that only as it is based on stories and man created false concepts.
    Why only christians do that. There are other minorities in Pakistan, why only them?
    If you read history it is learned that in chritians it is a noble deed to do blasphemy against other's cherished ideas. King Richard burnt many scripts of Holy Quran in the view that he can banish Islam.
    Really when someone has nothing to say from his religion he would say the same. People from good religious background have many things to tell about their own ideas. What chirtians have to say? They have three gods and 1 = 3? or Jesus Christ (PBUH) was crucified for chritians future crimes? That is why they are free to do everything. Spreading nude culture in this world by Hollywood, and doing war crimes against Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan searching for their unavailable uncle 'Usama"?
    Are DRON attacks in Pakistani women and children Humanity? Two month old terrorist in Waziristan? that amazing….
    and Babari Mosque in India? Killing of Muslims in Bosnia and Miyanmar? Is this humanity? What you know about humanity?
    The simple thing all chritians should shut their stupid and nasty mouth close about our religion then no one has extra time in Pakistan to pay attention to such hell-representing people. Or they can leave the country.

    By the way, why POPs of France do Drug Business? To happy God # 1 , god @ 2 or god @ 3? (see youtube video about POP's drug Business). A nation whose religious leaders are drug dealers, what one can think about them?

  7. PPP for all its sho sha was founded by ZAB – who was coward enough to promulgate the hudood ordinance to bring a smile to the mullah's faces. PPP was and always will remain a coward party that cannot face so called mullahs over basic human rights, while pretending to be a liberal party. They literally will sell their mothers so they can stay in power – where is roti, kapra, makaan eh? Bunch of illiterate feudals raking millions daily.

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