Govt will accept court order if Ashraf is disqualified: Aitzaz


Pakistan Peoples Party’s (PPP) senior leader Barrister Aitzaz Ahsan said on Tuesday that if the Supreme Court removes Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf in the NRO implementation case, his party will accept the orders and appoint a new premier.
Ahsan, while talking to media, ruled out chances of finding any ‘middle way’ in the case. “There is no middle way in the contempt proceedings against Ashraf as the Supreme Court is bound to remove prime ministers in contempt cases like it did in the case of Yousaf Raza Gilani.”
He said that the PPP had decided to let the parliament complete its tenure till March 2013 and if the court removes four more premiers then the parliament will present and elect dozens more till the end of its tenure. He added that neither can the Supreme Court dissolve the parliament nor the parliament can oust the entire judiciary.
When asked if the government will take any action against the apex court, Ahsan said, “I assure the people of Pakistan that the government would never exercise any such tactics which degrades the judiciary.”
“Till March 2013, the Supreme Court will remain engaged in sending back premiers while the PPP-led coalition government is determined to elect more prime ministers,” he maintained.
When asked if the judiciary is playing politics, Ahsan said, “The judiciary is not playing politics, but some political elements are using it to achieve their nefarious goals.”
He added that in the NRO implementation case, the judiciary is on the wrong track.
Ahsan further said that the Article 248 of the Constitution clearly restricts the premier to proceed against the president of Pakistan, but the judiciary is on a mission to send back elected prime ministers instead of honouring the Constitution.
He said the apex court, instead of only hearing political petitions, should focus on the problems of ordinary people like issues pertaining to registration of FIRs, issuance of stay orders against the construction of their houses, and decide hundreds of pending cases of civil and criminal nature.
He also advised the political parties to not approach the courts in each and every issue.


  1. This is how I look at it,Ahsan along with Zardari and Raja have always said that they would never disrespect the decisions made by the SC,here he said he assures the people of Pakistan that the government will never degrade the judiciary.Well like everything else,this is also a lie,its a simple fact,you won't disagree with the SC,you simply ignore it by going along with the decision and then appointing another one.Either you are too stupid or you are too stupid to think the people of Pakistan are stupid.You the government may think you are slick but I think you are plain and simply s*h*i*t

  2. I always have had great regard for Aitazaz Sahib as a distinguished jurist and a passionate votary of the sanctity of constitution and
    democratic values . I had hoped that he would play a constructive role in sorting
    out the impasse between the government and judiciary . I am diappointed . His statement lacks sobriety , and degrades not only the court but also Aitzaz sahib himself . It appears that he has finally succumbed to the so-called jiyala culture .

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