Tribesmen protest against ban on chicken transportation to North Waziristan


Tribesmen protested against the ban on transporting chickens to the North Waziristan Agency where they are paying Rs400 per kilogram of chicken due to shortage of chickens in the region.
Mohammad Khan, Haji Faizullah, Rizwan, Asif Khan, Naseeb Khan and several others tribesmen protested against the illegal ban of transporting chickens to North Waziristan.
The protestors strongly criticized the banning of chickens transportation to North Waziristan by the officials deployed at Khawaja Khar Checkpost, Mir Zail Checkpost and the administration of FR Bakkakhel.
Protestors said that officials deployed at the above mentioned check points did not allow pick-ups transporting chickens to the North Waziristan for unknown reasons due to which locals were facing dearth of chicken in the region that flared up the prices.
They blamed that officials at the mentioned check points allow the transportation of chicken to Afghanistan but have deprived the people of North Waziristan in the holy month of Ramadan.
They demanded of the governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and other officials concerned to take notice of the grave issue and restore supply of chickens to North Waziristan.