Over 50,000 slaughtered in Burma: Burmese Muslim Scholar


Over 50,000 Rohingya Muslims have been massacred in Burma as tensions flared on June 3 and brutal killings and arrests of Muslims continued, however the international community, human rights organizations and United Nations have done nothing stop this grave injustice.
Talking to sources on Sunday, Maulana Abdul Qudoos, a Pakistani scholar of Burmese origin, currently residing in Karachi said that all mosques and seminaries in the Arakan province of Burma have been shut down by the government and thousands of innocent Muslims have been massacred during the recent surge of violence in Burma. He said that his brother and several members of his family have been arrested by the provincial government.
“The Mugh sect of Buddhists, who are in power in the Arakan province, are involved in the killing and arrests of Muslims,” Abdul Qudoos said, adding that the same sect in the Burma army had inflicted cruelties on Muslims and are still actively trying to kill all Muslims in Burma.
He said that after the 2010 elections, Muslims were given basic rights to travel from one province to another, from one city to another and to follow Islamic rituals openly. The Maulana said that Muslims in Arakan started peacefully protesting against the killing of Muslims in other provinces which caused the Mugh sect to start taking Muslims to task.
He said that more than 2,500 small and big seminaries and thousands of mosques had been closed down by the government, adding that Muslims are not allowed to go to mosques to offer prayers and Taraveeh. He said that the government even arrested Muslims on charges of praying in mosques. He pleaded to the international community, human rights organizations, UN, US and Muslim countries to help and stop the massacre of Muslims of Burma.


  1. Maulana Saab…you are from a Muslim country …why Pakistan is silent on this??? why it is not speaking a single word on this???? May Allah forbid Jahannum on all of us for this silence…aamen…

  2. Burmese government & military have killed, tortured, raped, and jailed minority people from Karen, Rohinya, Chinese, Shan and other groups over millions for the past 60 years that the rest of the world don't know because the country was kept outside world. The International community should come together and stop them. They are distrust people and have no hearts for other human beings. Becarefull with Burmese military. They are the worst human kind of the world.

    • Mockup, if you are worry so much for these illegal bengalis overstayers in Myanmar, Why not you take 800,000 these illegals to Pakistan.. Look at what your country today is ?? Muslims killing Muslims..
      Look at you have a Afghan refugees creating and bringing extremism to your country.. pls worry about law and order situation in Pakistan, daily killings, your worthless education system, poverty, country falling apart, and your country being 13th FAILED STATE in the world.
      stop being a contractors of Islam and worry about your own. Put your house in order.

      • Yes why pakis do not also take bangladeshis staying in India, pakis overstaying in India as well as Adnan Sami who is polluting the atmosphere in Mumbai. Take them to pakiland please and show your love for the ummah.

  3. Pakistan takes action only when any americian killed but but not at muslim killed . mein khuda se ye dua krta hu k muslims pe rahm farmaye. aur hukmarane pakistan ko batile jahannum ata farmaye ……………..Aameen

  4. i dont know if its true but i want this to b true.muslims deserve this.they should b annihilated from the face of the earth.every where u ppl go u create problem for the home country n its ppl.even quaran says that one day islam will end.i think its just the beginning n when the whole world will unite against u keeping aside the ideological differences of communism,capitalism,developing n under developed world ur end will come.u days r no…..be it russia,israel,india,UK, usa u create all sorts of evils.the religion who preaches hatred has no right to exist n not its followers.these r ur sins which are hauntingu where ever u go.n they will continue to haunt u.the millions of hindus u massacred in india during medivial times,during creation of pakistan n bangaladesh, people u killed in chechenya,during 9/11 in USA n even in UK these were the most heinous crime against humanity n u will pay for that.i dont know who the god is whether its allah or jesus ,moses or any hindu god,or lord buddha but there is one supreme power who loves every individual on this earth whether he/she is from any religion.one who harms his children will himself get harm.thats y muslims all over the world are paying for their sins……

    • I think you should read quran as you dont know it i think u might not be knowing ur fathers name also so first you should know it & then if your fathers name is confirmed then ask abut his father after all we all are humans & the child of adam & adam is created by allah,& my dear friend islam will never finish its all jst the sins of judmnt day still the years hd 2 pass that muslims will be rulng the wrld n for your better knowldge 2 know muslims & abut his power befr the judgmnt day just go on you tube & watch a documentary cald the Arrivals than you will knw that wat is islam wer islam stands & wer you all kafirs stand.

  5. I am from Myanmar and I am a Muslim living in Yangon. There were 77 muslims killed and 68 buddhist were also murdered by these illegal bengali immigrants. This Maulana is nothing but collecting Chanda so he will get richer from that money. He has to say 50,000 so he gets more funds for himself and his family.
    Trust me, 99% of Burmese Muslims including myself are living in Yangon with religious freedom. Burmese Muslims are not extremists like Pakistani Muslims, we live side by side with majority buddhist people unlike Pakistani Muslims who majority of them are intolerable.

  6. Instead of blaming on each other lets pray to allah that allah give hidayat 2 all kafirs & safe life of muslims by showing some magic that should be an example for all karis all over the world that allah is there he will never leave his childrens alone n he is the only one beneficial & merciful……….ammmen.

  7. Dear all muslims brother if you will observe the ratio from muslims to kafirs there are 75% muslims & 25% kafirs among the world so if we all will come 2ghtr inshallah the world will be under our rule as per the ayats of qurans if you all rember & had read quran with open eyes & mind,So all non muslims its a warning 2 you all that never take a disadvantage of our pateints once it will go byond the limit than think abut your last day & inshallah it will be more worst than worst as its all writen in quran & its the golden words of allah & it will never be false.

    • Aseer, you are just a normal uneducated pakistani or just living in fool heaven.
      In the world only 1 billion (approx or even less) are Muslim out of 7 billion word populations.
      Where you got this figures from ? From Madrassa ? Only they can say this.. ha ha ha..

  8. india ise kaum ka tu allah he muhafiz ho jis kaum ki gairat maar gai ho. arond the world thare are billions of muslims r stye but no 1 have a toung to say any word on this type of wars.

  9. I request THE NEWS not print or incite such unconfirmed report in your news paper specially from such a CROOK MAULVIS..who will later collect Chanda as they usually do.
    Pls read the UNHCR report.. less than 100 ILLEGAL BENGALI IMMIGRANTS died, about 80 buddhist died, 34,000 ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS BENGALIS are living under refugee shelters provided by Myanmar government and so as about 21,000 buddhist people are under refugee camps..

    • You must be a Budhist monk living in Pakistan.Most of the monks are gay and they grow up to and reverse their role on the very young.You live on alms from people so beggary is part of your culture and so is buggery.You cant feed yourself bum how could you provide shelter to others. Above all you are an imposter.Your name is a concoction.It is not Burmese.So you are simple trash.Just get off this site and disappear in the Garbage Can called Myanmar.

      • Hello Mr. Pakistani, I dont know that most of the monks are gay.. You must be a GAY so you may know better they are gay or straight.
        But one thing I know is in your Madrassas, Maulvis and Imams have sex with 4 years old boys and girls.. even with the animals if they can't find one.
        So lock your mouth.. cough off.
        Stay away from Myanmar.

  10. So you belong to the same Budhist Monks buggery clan.Did not post my comment but did post comment insulting to the country and Muslims.Drop dead.

    • Hello Mr. Pakistani,
      Contrators of Islam.. Put your house in order first.
      Your country is going drain…. worry that first.
      No electricity for 18 hours a day.. worry that first.

      There is nothing to do with Muslim and Peace Loving Buddhist.. Our country knows how to live side by side except these trouble makers from across the border (illegal bengali immigrants)..
      We muslims in Myanmar are about 10-12%, but we have more mosques than Pakistan.. Come to Myanmar and witness yourself..
      Not like you guys can't live with any other religion.
      Go to Hell.

      • Dont insult the good name of Muslims.You are talking from your backside which seems to be your mouth.You are neither Muslim nor Burmese.You are a low life from somewhere.Crawl back under the rock that you came out from and get off this site.

  11. I was born In Burma . I know how the country is run. It is a dictatorship, had no law, freedom , in 1966, the locals combine with the military came to kill a lot of Chinese, robbed the Chinese people. The government can not be trusted, there is no human rights, no freedom of speech, the government is dishonest, if leaving the country with a degree, you will have to pay a fine, a large sum of money.

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