Some elements playing with constitution, democracy: Nawaz


PML-N President Nawaz Sharif on Sunday said some elements were playing with the constitution, democracy and judiciary and pushing the country towards chaos.
Addressing a function at Alhamra Hall, Nawaz said the country was standing at the same place even after the passage of 65 years since independence.
He said, “We have already lost East Pakistan and the remaining part of the country is weakening by the day.”
Nawaz said Pakistan was being blamed for every act of terrorism that occurred in any part of the world.
The former PM promised that the PML-N would work for strengthening the country’s economy, adding that load shedding crisis would be overcome in six months.
The PML-N chief said rulers were looking towards others for help and were not utilising local resources to take the country out of crises.
He lamented that every day a new corruption scandal appeared in the media and whenever the Supreme Court took notice of rulers’ corruption, they got annoyed.
“We shall not let anyone cast an evil eye on Pakistan and after coming to power, we will make Pakistan amongst the top ten economies of the world,” Nawaz said.
“The PML-N is a democratic party and it is a wrong impression that he takes every decision,” Nawaz said. He said all the decisions were taken by the party in consultation.


  1. Shut the fuc* up joker. You and zardari are responsible for the destruction of this country. But Alas a lot of HaraMis will vote for you since you have spread the poison of corruption wide in this society.

  2. You and zardari are playing with pakistan.Dollars democracy has been introduced by both of you.
    The richest person in pakistan = president
    2nd richest person in pakistan = opposition leader

  3. 65Years Ago A Nation Was searching for a Piece of Land …
    Now , A Piece of Land seaching for a Nation…. Be united

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