Bushra Gohar says KP girls not given enough education facilities


Bushra Gohar, a National Assembly lawmaker from Awami National Party (ANP) said on Wednesday that women of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (KP) lacked sufficient educational facilities, which added to low literacy rates among women of the province.
Talking to Voice of America (VOA), she said that provision of education was the foremost duty of the government according to the constitution.
She added that education was the top priority of the current provincial government, while hailing the setting up of nine universities in the province. Commenting on the level of education in KP, Bushra said that some districts of the province like Kohistan, had only five percent literacy rate among women. She further added that the ANP had made reasonable progress in education and social sector despite facing challenges like war on terror, floods, Swat operation and the issue of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP).