Zardari, Gilani seek US help


ISLAMABAD – The Pakistani leadership on Monday asked the US congressional delegation to play their role in delivery of drone technology to Pakistan and fast-tracking the passage for the reconstruction opportunity zones (RoZs) and Enterprise Fund legislation for the creation of higher employment and bringing down economic hardships of the people living in terrorism-hit areas of Pakistan.
Moreover, President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani, in their separate meetings with US congressmen, called for the enhanced cooperation and joint strategy between Pakistan, Afghanistan and the US in the war against terror and for restoring the peace and stability in Afghanistan.
During a meeting with the delegation, the president highlighted economic situation of the country and stressed on the need for US support to Pakistan in pleading its case for assistance and market access before the international community. Zardari reiterated his call for expediting passage of ROZs legislation to create economic opportunities for the people hit due to the scourge of militancy.
He also reiterated Pakistan’s principled stance that it had an abiding interest in a stable, peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan and it firmly believed in neutrality and non-interference in internal affairs of the country. “We firmly believe that political approach seconded by economic development is equally important for bringing stability to the war tarnished country. Pakistan would support all efforts for the capacity building of the institutions in Afghanistan,” he added.
Prime Minister Gilani, while reaffirming Pakistan’s strong commitment to defeat the forces of terrorism, said the military gains in the war could not be consolidated unless the people of the cleared areas saw socio-economic development and higher job opportunities on the ground. Besides, US should stop the predator attacks and share the drone technology and intelligence with Pakistan, thus enabling the country’s security forces to take action against terrorists themselves.
The US congressional delegation praised the sacrifices of the Pakistani people and armed forces in the war against terrorism, saying Pakistan-US partnership was critical.