Zardari terms July 5 black day of history


PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari has said July 5 would always be remembered as dark day of tyranny and oppression in the history of Pakistan.
“July 5, 1977 and its aftermath starkly reminds us how one military dictator spawned extremists for his political survival and how another exploited the same extremists for promoting his political agenda,” Zardari said in a statement issued here on Friday.
“This realization will help us understand better how to check militancy and terrorism,” he added.
Thirty-one years ago, on this day, an unfortunate tale of destruction was unleashed on the democratic institutions; judiciary was decimated, fundamental rights usurped and innocent people were flogged and hanged merely for political dissent.
Menace of sectarianism, religious extremism and private Jihad were deliberately promoted by the usurper to create an artificial constituency for perpetuating his rule as a reign of terror was let loose, PPP co-chairman said.
Terming the period as brutal and barbaric, he said, “The dictatorship promoted and patronized the extremist groups, who went on to form Taliban and Al-Qaeda.”
The president said if today Pakistan was the Petrie dish of international terrorism it was the product of failed international politics on the one hand and the machinations of our own dictators on the other.
“Let us resolve to banish dictatorship from Pakistan forever and restore law and order. Also pledge to confront fanaticism, terrorism and militancy wherever it rears its ugly head and not permit any dictator to use them as tools for advancing his personal political agenda,” he added.



  2. Is zardari talking about the same ZAB who was responsible for Pakistan breaking up in two? Wasn't it ZAB who ordered army to shoot its own citizens? Wasn't it the same ZAB who rigged elections? Most of al,l wasn't ZAB responsible for BB's birth? That alone should have called for his hanging. He gave us the most corrupt (after gillani) PM in the history of Pakistan. I hope ZAB and BB are enjoying each other's company in hell and I hope zardari joins them soon.

    • Only the person who was ruling Pakistan during that time was responsible, and it was not ZAB at all;It was a general Yahiya and his colleague generals who had all the powers in their hands to stop break-up of Pakistan. It was General Yahiya, the President of Pakistan who sent army in East Pakistan, and it were his subordinates who raped Bengali women.

      • @Caeser.Mujib won the election fair and sqaure. ZAB announced that Pakistan will burn from Peshawar to Quetta if Mujib is allowed to form the govt. ZAB wanted to rule even though he had lost elections. If he had accepted defeat and let Mujib form govt, we just migh have had a different outcome. There might even have been true democracy in Pakistan today. ZAB alone is responsible for most of the ills of this country today.

    • I agree. Who said udhr tum idr hum. ZAB was chief martial administrator, I still ercall ASF. I still recall the brutal actions of ZAB

  3. And what about the black days we are having under this Zardari……
    Can't he think of these times as black and do something positive…

  4. Hey Zardari,every day in Pakistan is a black day,thanks to you.Don't believe me??? look around,for one,there is no darn bati,no pani,no gas,no jobs,no education,no respect around the world.But hey,you ARE working towards democracy lol.If you had any shame,you would stop talking about dark days and show some pride and lead by example by letting whoever wants to write the letters and you should be the first to say,GO WRITE THE LETTERS,I have nothing to hide,but,as even every kid on the streets knows,who you really are.How can you even think about providing rights and democracy to these people,you can't even supply electricity.

    • In those day he used ti sell cinema ticket on Black and was known as Asif Blakia. He also used to steal wheel covers from cars parked at Bambino Cinema.

      • But ur leader Imran Khan used to suck his fellow players during his foreign trips for cricket, and indulged in sodomy. Sitay bazi was another pasttime for him.

  5. This blatant hypocracy/duplicity is the ruination of our country. We need to be independent in every sense of the world not client state under Zardari's rule. A dog on a leach……

    • Punjabi urban middle class mindset is not only against secular liberal PPP but this mindset also suffers from mental elusions, hallucinations about religion, fanaticism, obsurantism, hatred of other areas, and mental barreness. The middle classes of Sindh, Baluchistan and KP are quite liberal politically and more advanced in political thinking than the middle classes of Punjab. Pakistan is in trouble due to policies made by establishment dominated by people belonging to middle classes from Punjab. These people r antiPPP due to PPP leadership belong to out-of Punjab area.

    • Every fanatical and reactionary movement has originated from Punjab during last 65 years, and Punjab-dominated establishment(80%) is responsible for turmoil of people of Pakistan. Bangladesh also came into being due to policies of this class and in 1971 Punjabi women were striking their heads against walls of Governor House Lahore. Punjabies are waiting for the same moments again.

      • @HasanRanji.You seem like you could be a good slave. I see all the attributes of a loyal and stupid slave. How much does your master want for you? I just might buy you and keep you in the stable of other morons.

  6. Some politically eunuck minds are sitting on editorial boards of this newspaper and thet do not allow me to discuss even a serious issue like Break-up of Pakistan in 1971 in this paper. They blocked my comments.

  7. Right now every single passing day is Black day for prople of Pakistan where they are forced to live in dark stone ages with no electrcity for most of the day. They plundered, looted and raped by the ruler every single day. In stead of remembering 1977 why does Zardari not mention what is happening right now. July 5, 1997 happened due to the massive rigged election under ZAB rule.

  8. Mr Zardari, take a hike. You created black days just mentioning you. YOU BARBARIC ZARDARI MORON. And so was ZAB who lost the election to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, so he had to deal with the breaking up of Pakistan alone. That Pakistan is no longer that Mohammad Ali Jinnah made. He founded East Pakistan and West Pakistna, so pls remove Jinnah's name. Now this is just Pakistan of cruel and brutal Bhuotto- Zardari State. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman would have been good for East and West Pakistan.

  9. All of you who live in Pakistan and join all of us who don't live there in speaking the unjusts of this government,do more then just give lip service,next time when you vote,vote for someone other then the most corrupt,vote for someone who will make you feel like a proud Pakistani again.There are over 180 million Pakistani's,if you choose this government again,shame on you,then you deserve to live in this mess.There is nothing bigger then the power of the people.People are allowing this government to continue to protect these corrupt leaders by giving eachother immunity in the name of the people of Pakistan,and what are you doing about it,not a darn thing.We call it TALKING LOUD SAYING NOTHING,JUST LIKE THE POLITICIANS.

  10. Zardari terms July,% as the blackest day in the history of Pakistan,when the people of Lahore did not forget the tragedy of attacks of police and army on the busy muslims praying in Muslim Masjed Lahore.The police entered in the Masjid with shoes and threw lots of Namazis from the balcony of the Masjid on the roads.Killing and injurying lots of innocent people from the Namaz.The citizens of Lahore cannot forget these barbarism and crucial moments of that day.if we got rid of dictars,another democratic elected dictator replaced their jobs.what a co-accident with this country.CHORE MACHAE SHORE.we thank for Allah that we got rid of ZAB at that time,but unluckily again another dictator has occupied this place.The president must be a neutral,otherwise we will face again the incidents of ZAB`s eras.

  11. We thank for allah that the army took control of the country,otherwise there would be a severe bloodshed in the country.THIS IS THE NAJAAT DAY FROM ZAB.ALHAMO LILLAH

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