Is Katie Holmes being stalked by Scientologists?


If you thought Scientology had a disturbing influence on Katie Holmes’s marriage to Tom Cruise, just wait until you see what it’s going to do to her divorce. TMZ is reporting that Katie is being followed by a team of Scientologists. Why? Who knows! Maybe they just want to make sure she’s safe and happy? Or maybe they’re trying to catch her doing something horrible so their master fellow worshipper Tom Cruise has an upper hand in the coming legal battle? Either way, creeps be creepin’. She apparently believes they’ve been trailing her for the past several weeks—coincidentally about the exact amount of time she and Cruise have been “spending time apart.”
Nobody would blame her for being paranoid about the notoriously secretive and strange religion, but this doesn’t appear to be all in her head. The photographers who are openly stalking her report that there have been some “mysterious” men and cars tracking Katie’s movements. She is also being followed by a “publication,” but the Scientologists appear to be running their own separate, extra shady operation. For their part, Scientology took a break from its busy schedule of shedding Thetans to have their lawyer issue a statement saying they’re not following Katie or conducting surveillance on her. So use your own Xenu-given powers of reason to decide what you want to believe.
Meanwhile, even though she’s potentially being tracked by a pack of watchers, Katie is reportedly looking happier and like she’s “been set free.” Tom Cruise, however, is not faring so well. He is said to be suffering from a major case of the sadfaces and was NOT smiling when he was spotted taking off in a helicopter from an airport in Iceland where he’s shooting a movie.


  1. The Church has been labeled as a criminal organization by courts and the governments or Europe (including Russia), North America (excluding USA) and Asia (excluding Taiwan).

    The Dianetics Center Karachi, like its mother organization has accumulated a huge data base of Criminal history of those who has taken their service for last 25 years. The Church is sitting on confession of crimes which is by itself is a crime as per Pakistan Penal Code.
    The crimes included but not limited to:
    •Sexual perversion
    •Sexual assault
    •Physical assault
    •attempted murder
    •drugs use
    •drugs possession
    •anti-state activities
    You name it and it is there in black and white.

    A mind control game which let Scientologist believe to get rid of their GUILT by telling all with exact details.They are blackmailed through out their life. The black mailing technique varies from person to person is very creative.

    The members of Church belongs to all walks of life, but most of them are from middle and lower middle class with less education and no social standing.

    The Church of Scientology-Dianetics Center uses Confessions (written or orally recorded or video taped) to black mail and even pass this information to other parties (as a photocopy) for financial benefits.

    Unlike what ever you discuss with your lawyer, doctor, Mental Health Practitioners (psychiatrist or psychologist) are give protection under various federal laws governing these professions. Therefore, it is considered as CONFIDENTIAL and you information is protected by law.

    Organization like Church of Scientology (Dianetics Center Karachi) has not right to collect any personal information from you in Pakistan. Whatever they have collected is illegal and may be considered in-admissible by courts if you have taken following measures:

    Consult a lawyer and sent them following notices
    Return of all personal information collected, including the Confessions taken from you.Reimbursement of all fees, collected in the name of counseling, courses and donations. You may even return the Books and get you money back.

    Consult the Mental Health Practitioner (Psychologist or Psychiatrist)
    Tell them in detail about you involvement with the CULT and services you have taken. They will do the psychological and mental health testing and helps you in your fight against the CULT.

    Once you sent notice, the matter shall be with the Court and you will be legally protected. You cannot be booked on any crimes you have mentioned on these CONFESSIONS, as it is taken illegally by an illegal organization on false claims of benefits. Above all you have duly notified the Court of this act and sought legal assistance.

    In court, your Mental Health Practitioner will disclose all Mind Control practices (which cannot understood by a common man including yourself) and show them how they mislead you.

    Take first step towards your freedom: contact your lawyer as soon as possible

  2. In May 2012 a very important video got posted on You Tube about the Secrets of Dianetics, Scientology and L Ron Hubbard so far hidden from public view.

    This information were received under Freedom of information Act of USA,which declassifies every file after a lapse of certain period of time.

    The first 14 minutes of the video is about how CIA got the MIND CONTROL techniques from German Secret Service GESSTAPO after Second World War and with the help of an American university get it refined and trained its agents.

    In 1952 when Church of Scientology was established with the help of CIA* , these techniques were forwarded to L Ron Hubbard** and since then it became part of Scientology and Dianetics. Most of the drills of Communication Courses were also part of it and details are mentioned in the video.

    In the last 8 minutes it explains about Scientology as a CULT and the interest and expertise of L Ron Hubbard in Black Magic. Just to remind you that in Black Majic you seek help from Satan ,directly.

    The video also reveals the fact that the basic beliefs of Scientology and its identity is based upon the teachings and publications of Aliester Crowly , a very good friend of Mr Hubbard.

    So, who was Aliester Crowly ? he was a devotee of Devil/SATAN and an expert in the field of Black Magic. Out of his devotion to Devil , he nick name himself as THE BEAST 666, as mentioned in Bible for Devil.

    This video provides compelling evidence of deep and disturbing connections between the Church of Scientology; mind control experiments by intelligence agencies like CIA and Nazi SS; abuse of youth and women during (satanic) cult rituals ; and the failure of government to investigate the widespread reports of child and women abuse around the world.

    Following the economical and political unstablity , these cults are now flourishing in our homeland and Church of Scientology has taken a lead over others following completion of 25 years of ground work in Karachi.

    *CIA agent , Miles Copland Jr in his book “The Game Player: Confessions of the CIA’s Original Political Operative”, London: Aurum Press, 1989

    **L Ron Hubbard was employee of Office of Naval Intelligence in 1940's, duly acknowledged by the Church in Feb 2011 issue of Lawrence Wright article in New Yorker magazine

  3. Of all Hubbards written works, his instructionals on
    wrecking lives,
    extortion and
    general black-ops are by far the best.
    They show very well the time-frame in which they were written and the evidence is all around how dated and ineffectual those snide methods are today.
    That all got exposed in “Operation Snow White” – a conspiracy during the 1970s to purge unfavorable records about Scientology and its founder L. Ron Hubbard.
    This project included a series of infiltrations and thefts from 136 government agencies, foreign embassies and consulates, as well as private organizations critical of Scientology, carried out by Church of Scientology, in more than 30 countries;
    The single largest infiltration of the United States government in history with up to 5,000 covert agents.
    For details:

  4. I went to the Dinetics Center quite some time back (I think I left in 2000). I stayed in the organization for a few years, did some courses and a lot of auditing so whatever I'm saying is out of my personal experience. I have never seen such psychopathic people in any other organization; they are full of covert hostility, and manipulate their visitors like hell. It's not only that they are after your money, they are after your freedom. They will do anything to trap you and use you.
    Like grass in front of a goat entices it, they keep telling their students that the best thing is around the corner, which of course, never appears.

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