‘People tired of Sharif’s dirty politics’


Deputy Prime Minister Chaudhary Pervez Elahi has said that the people are fed up with dirty politics and false allegations by Shahbaz Sharif.
He was talking to different delegations comprising different walks of life, which came to his residence to felicitate him on assuming the office of deputy prime minister.
On the occasion, Chaudhary Pervez Elahi said he was in contact with President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Raja Parvez Ashraf regarding overcoming energy and gas crisis and solving the people’s problems and difficulties.
He said that main objective behind Pakistan Muslim League joining the government was to get the people’s problems solved on priority basis in shortest possible time.
He asked Sharif brothers not to do politics on problems of the people.


  1. Very well said that people are tired of Shareef brothers dirty politics and are looking forward to Zardari's clean politics.

  2. After a couple of election, pml-q will be totally wiped off from politics. I am sure they have looted enough for their retirement.

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