As a first formal denial to comply with the Supreme Court which issued orders that Swiss authorities be moved to open graft cases against President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf Saturday said that it was the constitution that hindered writing of the Swiss letter.
Talking to columnists and editors at the Governor House, Ashraf said, “We will not let our first class president to capitulate to a third class magistrate, as the constitution stands against it.”
The premier, regarding immunity of the president, said that presidents all over the world enjoy immunity. “The parliament may debate on the matter of presidential immunity,” he responded.
Rounding off his reply over the issue, Ashraf asserted that the government’s stance over the Swiss letter will be made public on July 12, “but one thing is for sure that President Zardari enjoys immunity until he is in office.”
The PM said that uncertainty prevailing in the country was harmful to the institutions and undue importance given to a single issue might be detrimental to democracy.
“The institutions should work within their constitutional ambit and let the people decide about the future of the democratically elected government since it is they who matter,” he said.
The PM said that uncertainty had been damaging the political system and the opposition should not forget that Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, in their meetings, had resolved to avoid leg pulling for political gains. Ashraf said the government believes in the supremacy of the constitution and law. He said if all institutions in the country worked within their ambit, there would be no problem in the country.
Ashraf said that the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) wrote the history with blood and blood would once again be given if needed in future.
Regarding the law and order situation in Karachi, he said that after the NFC award all provinces had been granted powers to maintain law and order. Now it was the responsibility of the provinces to take care of the law and order.
The prime minister said that the federal government was hesitant about sending in the army to resolve provincial issues for fear that such measures may turn out to be the “wrong cure” to remedy the situation. He said that the army was patriotic and it was rendering enormous sacrifices for the country and had played front role in natural calamities.
“The federal government will be willing to help the government of Sindh if they ask for it,” he said.
While taking about the severe energy shortfall and load shedding, Ashraf said, “The electricity crisis is the first priority.”
About the Kalabagh Dam, the PM said the project could only be undertaken after national consensus, adding that the government had initiated other power generation projects like Diamir-Bhasha Dam, Boonji Dam as well as run of the river projects to meet energy needs. Ashraf said the rental power projects (RPPs) were not properly understood, acknowledging he could not accurately clarify his statements regarding the energy crisis in the country. “The statement given in December 2009 regarding the end to load shedding still hounds me,” he said.
Regarding the cooperation of PML-N in the appointment of Chief Election Commissioner (CEC), the PM said he was sure to have a positive response from the PML-N leadership. The CEC should be a consensus candidate, who would go by the book, he added. The premier urged all the political parties to shun off their differences and work together for strengthening the country. He said on its part the PPP was committed to avoid politics of confrontation. The group of senior editors with whom the PM had an interaction included Saleem Bukhari‚ Mujeebur Rehman Shami‚ Arif Nizami‚ Zia Shahid‚ PJ Mir and others.


  1. I wonder whether this amounts to another contempt of the courts. Whom is the PM refering to as the third class magistrate? What a patronising statement directed at honourable magistrates. There are other ways of saying you are the BOSS.

  2. There is need to shove Steel ROD (SARYA) Up the A**S**S OF Rental or rented P>M..

  3. Are all politicians stupid or is it just the ppp leadership? The morons get elected to the parliament which is entrusted to make laws for the country. Apparently they don't even understand the basics of law. Supreme Court has the final say to interpret the laws of the country and interpret the constitution. PPP keeps saying that every branch of govt. should stay within their limits and jurisdiction. Does this rental pm not understand that interpreting the constitution is the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court? PPP has destroyed the whole system and is hell bent to destroy the country just to save an illiterate, low life, scum bag, sewer deweller, corrupt, inept and incompetent president. We can wipe Pakistan clean of ppp workers and members if we enact a law that requires a person to have some kind of minimum IQ and not be titally supid and retarded.

    • Mr daddy, youn are an ignorant person. Facts and media reports are two different stories. Take some BP pills and stay at home.

  4. Are all the stupid people of Pakistan bunched together in ppp? Parliament makes laws and Supre Court interprets those laws. It is the job of Supreme Court and Supreme Court alone to interpret constitution. Why does Pakistan not have a requirement that a person cannot be the pm or the president if he is stupid. I guess that would disqualify all ppp members

  5. A high school drp out president is telling the rental pm that constitution is the hinderence and the rented pm is listening to him. A tenth grade educated peson understands the constitution better than the SC judges. WOW.

  6. I could have swore that raja rental looks like a sweeper we used to have. It just might be him. After all, ppp is proud to be the party of the poor (and hungry and homeless).

  7. This photo includes the short, ugly bald KHOSA. Whenever you you see his face, one should expect to have a bad day. This bald, short ugly man must be stopped from showing his or speak in publc.

  8. Pakistan Today Justice from whom ? from those who always legalize unconstitutional acts of dictators from Gen.Ayub to Gen. Musharaf ?Those who have hanged democratically elected PM on will of dictator ?Same court & same CJ who have disqualified democratically elected PM let Gen. Musharaf to elect Pres. from Parliament in uniform.

    • @Carthege. Go suck your mama nipple so you would shut up. If you don't have a point to make then you are better off going back to licking the thing you came out of. Have a good day 🙂

      • You confirmed you are B*A*S*T*A*R*D. I AM WAITING FOR OTHER CONFIRMATIONS NOW. I will make Carthage of anti-democracy people like Rome did to carthage and wiped it out from slate of history. PPP zindabad.

  9. @Carthege, are you done sucking your mom's nipple? If you are, then go suck your dad's p e n i s.

    • @Carthege, tell me the truth, do you know who your real daddy is? Did he sell all your sisters to ppp workers or did he keep some for you too?

  10. The game is getting over. After ramazan, elections, Army will stay behind. Bangladesh style giverrnment will be install for 3-years. Zardari game over.

    -2 is done. Gillani and Pasha are gone. Haqqani is found guilty. Zardari game over and will be in exile in dubai for the rest of his life. PPP finished

    Kiran Abro

  11. How racist and biased comment!! What first and third class – they all are a bunch of third class themselves – may be even lower. If that’s the terminology they understand. They need to be drvien away – from top to bottom and clean up the mess! CJ let Mr. Rental go as well! What do they think, president can create havoc and still cannot be checked.

  12. President is not playing havoc. He is the man who has shown patience, given powers to provinces, and regard to judiciary and much more. Anyone else cannot bear this much even for a month.

  13. Same Zardari, another PM but same language. Same SCP.
    Same story possibly to be repeated. Same uncetainty.

    I would think it will be in the interest of the country if the CJP could write a letter to his counterpart in Switzerland about the verdict of the SCP and request him to reopen the case against the incumbent President. The letter must be in French or German language because both are Switzerland's national languages. To expect from Zardari to write a letter to the Swiss court is asking him something he is not going to comply.

    The CJP should show some flexibility and let the civilian government focus on the burgeoning problems like law and order in Karachi, power generation, appointing a new CEC etc etc,

  14. Pakistan Today Justice from whom ? from those who always legalize unconstitutional acts of dictators from Gen.Ayub to Gen. Musharaf ?Those who have hanged democratically elected PM on will of dictator ?Same court & same CJ who have disqualified democratically elected PM let Gen. Musharaf to elect Pres. from Parliament in uniform.

  15. Majority of Mediamen, TV Achors and PTI/PML(N) supporters failed to understand the simple point which PPP has taken right from the beginning in the court that unless Article 248 is part of the constitution PPP government and its PM cannot write letter. Period.

    But our highly respected and over-genious CJ & Co – is forcing PM to write this letter even 248 is part of the holy constitution – because it the verdict of the 17member bench.

    Can I ask the SC and these 17judges – if they give a verdict that PM to kill somebody by pressing the trigger button – i assume no PM will press the trigger knowing obviously capital punishment will be awarded (by the same 17judges) if PM dare to press the trigger which can result in death of somebody.

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