‘Arsalan should prove his innocence’


Pakistan Muslim League leader Samina Khawar Hayat asked Dr Arsalan Iftikhar to prove his innocence through judicial process here on Friday.
In reaction to Arsalan Iftikhar’s show of no trust in the NAB chairman, she said that Arsalan Iftikhar wanted that some ‘angel’ should crown him with innocence without investigation.
She said if there were no spots on his dress, he should better to join interrogation like good children to prove allegations against him wrong, instead of showing no trust in anyone.
She said that Arsalan was charged with receiving corers of rupees. If he was not involved, he needed not to worry as no harm could come to him in the presence of free and independent judiciary, she added.


  1. I think it falls to the accusers to prove guilt. Otherwise anyone can accuse anyone of anything and we will all go around trying to prove our innocence.

    • Why not you apply the same principle in regard to corruption charges on the govt. Why not the accusers go to court to prove their corruption charges against govt ministers? hehehe Apni vari aye tu thoo corhi. Now you and other rightist changed ur principles. Wah ray Hypocrisy

  2. Arsalan Iftikhar may well be guilty, however, the law requires presumed innocence until proven guilty and not the other way around. Let him be proven guilty rather than ask him to prove his innocence.

  3. If gillani could appoint his own prosecutor then whats wrong with Arsalan appointing his own chairman NAB?

  4. Innocent untill proven guilty. Jiayalas don't seem to get it. If I accuse zardari of raping Batool gillani, would zardari have to prove his innocense or does Batool has to prove zardari's guilt?

    • So, apply the same principle to Zardari and others who have not been proved guilty in any court yet. Matwalas dont seem to get it, dullminded as they r. One cased proved against Zardari was cancelled by SC during Nawaz period due to some recorded conversation between Saif and HC judge. So, nothing proved yet, and Zardari is innocent untill proven guilty, and say good bye to hypocracy and double standards

      • Was zardari and his dead wife not convicted in swiss courts? They were even given a 6 month sentence. I have not heard zardari deny that the money in swiss courts is not his. Can he explain where it came from? I remember zardari and BB standing on the parliament floor and saying that Surray Palace was not theirs and then later claiming it to be theirs. Which statement was a lie? I have not heard zardari deny that he had bank accounts in cayman islands. Why? There is enough doubt about his finances that it calls for an investigation. There is also enough doubt in Arsalan's case that it also calls for an investigation. The biggest difference is that Arsalan (may have) conned a business man in a private business deal whereas zardari and his dead wife looted state coffers for their personal benifit. This, my friend, is what makes Arsalan's case different that zardari's.

      • What Arsalan did (or did not do) is a private matter between two private individuals using private money. What zardari, his dead wife and other associated with their family did was using state money. State money belongs to the people of Pakistan. Bribes and kickback make the costs higher which directly affects the people. By the way, zardari and his wife were convicted and sentenced to jail in swiss court. zardari kept avoiding the swiss courts using mental instability as an excuse. What surprises me is that nawaz and others did not use his own statements and his doctors statements to show that zardari was mentally incapable of carrying out the duties of the President.

      • There is a difference between using public money and private money. zardari, his wife and their "friend and family" plundered public money. They were sentenced to six month in swiss jail for money laundering. Arsalan fooled a private businessman and state funds were not involved.

  5. According to law burden of proof lies on the complainant to prove the guilt of the accused. Accused is not bound to prove his innocence. Does any one knows that chairman NAB was appointed on the recommendation of Malik Riaz who is considered to be the most influential person in Pakistan.

    • So, Mr. Rao Imran Habib apply the same principle to cases against govt ministers and Zardari. Now you remember " burden of proof lies on accusers" Nowhere in any law book is this mentioned that this applies to Arsalan, PMLN corruption cases only, and it does not apply to charges on PPP leaders. Wah ji wah, apni dafa saray asool yad aa gay ap logo ko.

    • So, apply the same principle to Zardari and others who have not been proved guilty in any court yet. Matwalas dont seem to get it, dullminded as they r. One cased proved against Zardari was cancelled by SC during Nawaz period due to some recorded conversation between Saif and HC judge. So, nothing proved yet, and Zardari is innocent untill proven guilty, and say good bye to hypocracy and double standards

      • @MarkAnthony. The difference is that zardari, his dead wife and others are accused of using state funds not private money from a privated individual who may (or may not) have been scammed. If zardari and company had not stolen that money, maybe your children could have gone to school on that money and would be better educated than you.

        • Arsalan case is that of a state functionary abusing his powers by blackmailing his clients over his petitions, genuine or otherwise. This is like a WAPDA officer grabing money from people applying for electric connections, though no state funds are invloved. Why the CJ remained oblivious of his wife going on foreign trips and his son accumulating 900 million? Come on guy. You wud not have been writting desi english, and also wrong grammatically with no sense of structures. You are also illiterate, what to speak of your children.

        • CJ son case is like a WAPDA officer taking bribes from electric connection applicants, though no state funds are involved. Like all half literate clerks, and you may be one, you taunt and ridicule poor people of PPP. Like all middle class people you are psycho case and quench your inborn inferiority complex by taunting and ridiculing poor PPP people. Most philosophers believe that middle class is usually psychic because of its unstable position in society, and draws satisfaction from ridiculing poor people. You comments confirm this universally held view.

          • Lets try this again and try bto stay with me this time. Your example od WAPDA officer does not apply because electric connection is the right of a person. A govt. employess cannot deny that right. A business deal between two private individuals has nothing to do with the govt. As far as your contention of middle class people being psycho, can you name a few philosophers that you are referring to? As far as I am concerned, you don't need to worry about me. I am doing quite well. I travel to more places and countries in a month than your next seven generation ever could. If you are poor, its ok. But if you are poor and stupid and belong to ppp then its not ok 🙂

  6. Wah ji wah apni dafa saray asoolm yad aa gay. Why did not you apply the same principle to corruption charges against PPP men which r not even proven yet, not even a single case proven against Zardari or Gillani.

  7. yes!!.. every person, be it zardari, arsalan, etc should prove his/her innocence.. 🙂

  8. I think it falls to the accusers to prove guilt. Otherwise anyone can accuse anyone of anything and we will all go around trying to prove our innocence.

  9. yes, sure and that is why his father has handed him over to the Government for further investigation from him and Malik Riaz. Now why Government is tight lipped and taking no action? Isn’t it ridiculous?

  10. Never heard this before that the accused has to prove his innocence, rather it's always the other way round. But this is Pakistan and Samina Khawar Hayat, although not mentioned, seems to be from PML-Q, who has to pay back to PPPP in one way or the other, for Deputy Prime Ministership and about 15 other ministries.

  11. Okay son. Tell the truth. Here is some: You got in medical school through the backdoor because your Abba (Thanna Muhrar Iftikhar Chaudhary) got you there. Then you joined FIA through the good offices of your Abba, then you got transferred to Policie Service without taking any exam. Well talented son,!CSS exam was too hard for you. Now you were having fun in European cities at the expense of another crook.
    Face the music Son as will your crook financier ( Mr. Bahria) will.

    • Fazlu Chacha, That is news to me that Arsalan's Abba was a Thana Muharrir ? Is that true or you are saying it in jest? Qayum Jatoi, a minister in Jeelani's cabinet had publicly accused that Arsalan's Abba joined the Baluchistan High Court by producing a false domicile certificate of Balochistan obtained through a false affadavit, which itself is a criminal offence. For three days this video was shown by most TV channels and there was no denial from Arsalan's Abba or the Registrar of the Supreme Court. No contempt of Court notice was issued either by the S.C for slandering the C.J. Shouldn't one construe this silence as acceptance of the accusation/guilt? If this be true, the entire judicial service of the C.J starting from Balochistan Hight Court to Supreme Court becomes questionable as it was based on falsehood.

  12. Zardari used to sell movie tickets in black at his daddy's cinema. He dropped out of high school. His father conned Bhutto family into marrying their daugher to him. His wife (BB), being corrupt to the core, needed help in looting more money from Pakistan so she made him federal minister. Both, husband and wife, plunder everything Pakistan had. They become multi millionaires and need bank accounts in other countries to hide their wealth. zardari has BB killed because he wanted all the money to himself. He becomes the President and a billionaire. A high school drop out who could not even write and did not even qualify to run for a seat in parliament (because he was uneducated) becomes the President of Pakistan. Not one single person in pakistan voted him in directly. Genius is all I can say. Pakistan must be the land of oppurtunity where a nobody can become somebody. WOW.

    • Yes you are right, specially if you marry the right person and happen to be born in the right family

  13. Pakistan has been good to zardari. He has gone from selling movie tickets in black for a few rupees to becoming a billionaire. If a son of "nobody" can become the President of the country then surely a son of "somebody" can also make a few bucks.

    • CJ is also son of a Gujjar from Machh distt of Balochistan who had migrated from Punjab. So, he could never give up his SHO type mentality even after reaching pinnacle of his career.

      • @Carthege, are you saying that every single person from Punjab is a SHO? I hope not because that would really look stupid on your part.

  14. yes, sure and that is why his father has handed him over to the Government for further investigation from him and Malik Riaz. Now why Government is tight lipped and taking no action? Isn't it ridiculous?

  15. Daddy – You are a son of "some bodies" and you have prove it time and again on this forum.

  16. Punjabis Arsalan is not corrupt…He is son of a pious, tasbi rolling, god fearing CJ…

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