Principals’ conference concludes


The 39th Principals’ Conference of Fazaia Schools and Colleges concluded at Air Headquarters, Islamabad. Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force, was the chief guest on the final session of the conference.
The chief guest in his address urged upon the need to groom the overall personalities of the students alongside developing their cognitive health for better academic achievements. He advised all the institutional heads to work in synergy with the entire team for accomplishment of the desired goals. In the end, he hailed the efforts of deputy chief of air staff (training) and education sub-branch under the guidance of assistant chief of air staff (education) for deploying concerted efforts to bringing Fazaia chain up to a well reputed education system in the country.
The conference was attended by Principals of 24 Fazaia Schools and Colleges from all over the country. The first session was presided over by Air Vice Marshal Sohail Aman, Deputy Chief of Air Staff (Training). He stressed upon the need of extending balanced education to the coming generations.