LAHORE – The Project Management Institute, USA (Lahore Chapter) arranged a seminar on the topic of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) at the Holiday Inn. Descon Engineering Chief Information Officer Nauman Majeed gave a comprehensive presentation on the implementation of Enterprise Resource Program (ERP) in the organizations.
Senior employees from different companies attended the seminar. Majeed briefed the attendees on the importance of ERP in modern business practices. He defined ERP as the integration of business management practices and modern technology, he stressed that in today’s challenging environment there is a need to bridge management practices and technologies.
However, he acknowledged there are several challenges in implementing it in organisations successfully. He also highlighted the various advantages of ERP, noting it elimination duplication of effort and boosts the overall working capacity and potential of each person in the organisation at all levels of the hierarchy. It was stressed that efficient response to customer needs and timely, reliable documentation can also be achieved through ERP.
He also elaborated on the ERP system itself and briefed those gathered on how can it be achieved within corporations. He went on to say that ERP is generally dreaded, with most of the managers afraid of change. He noted that successful implantation of ERP needs resolve and dedication.