Short course on underground space utilisation continues at NUST


NUST Institute of Civil Engineering (NICE), School of Civil & Environmental Engineering (SCEE of National University of Sciences & Technology) is conducting one week short course on underground space utilization and tunneling from June 11-15.
The areas of education for underground space utilisation and tunneling which will be covered in the short course includes specialized training for policy makers and project managers, engineers and designers working for urban and rural area development works to provide comfortable, safe environment and smooth working in tunneling field.
According to official sources in NUST, the course also focuses on the designers, executers and planners to create the spaces for transport, parking, leisure, institutions and industries and to assist the engineers in tunneling field. It also includes planning and utilization of under ground space adjacent to the available space at surface and selection techniques keeping in view the strata usage and the requirement.
The course will also focus on latest and advance tunneling construction techniques by blasting and state of the art tunneling machines and equipment. Tunnel/cavern execution problems, seepage, temporary and permanent tunnel support system, instrumentation, tunnel ventilation and monitoring and case studies on Tunneling in Pakistan will also be covered during the course.
Taking 40 winks in the middle of the day may reduce the risk of death from heart disease, particularly in young healthy men, say researchers. A six-year study found that those who took a 30-minute siesta at least three times a week had a 37% lower risk of heart-related death, reported BBC.
The researchers took into account ill health, age, and whether people were physically active. Experts said napping might help people to relax and reducing their stress levels. The researchers in the study looked at 23,681 men and women aged between 20 and 86.
The subjects did not have a history of heart disease or any other severe condition. This study has four advantages, it is large, prospective, limited to healthy people and have been very careful to control for physical activity Participants were also asked if they took midday naps and how often, and were asked about dietary habits and physical activity.
The researchers found those who took naps of any frequency and duration had a 34 per cent lower risk of dying from heart disease than those who did not take midday naps. Those who took naps of more than 30 minutes three or more times a week had a 37 per cent lower risk.
Among working men who took midday naps, there was a 64 per cent reduced risk of death compared with a 36 per cent reduced risk among non-working men. Researchers said taking a siesta may reduce stress, hence the more notable finding in working men. Lead researcher Dr Dimitrios Trichopoulos, from the Harvard School of Public Health, said that in countries where mortality from coronary diseases is low, siesta is quite prevalent.
WISE launches global call for nominations of students for learners’ voice programme : Following the success of the 2010 and 2011 Learners’ Voice Programme in which 49 learners from 31 countries were carefully selected to participate, the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE kicked off its search for the 2012 generation of learners.
WISE invites representatives of institutions, organizations, programs and networks to nominate outstanding and motivated young learners to participate in the WISE Learners’ Voice Programme. And, for the first time, learners have also been invited to apply personally by submitting an application which needs to be endorsed by a recommender.
The WISE Learners’ Voice Programme engages young learners and supports their development as change makers and advocates in the field of education.