Mujahid Kamran wants 4pc of GDP for education


GUJRANWALA – Punjab University Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Mujahid Kamran has said that at least 4 per cent of the GDP should be spent on the education sector for the development of the country.
Addressing the second convocation of GIFT University Gujranwala, he said education had never been on the priority of any government and this attitude should change to maintain Pakistan’s status of solo nuclear power of the Muslim world. Board of Governors President Muhammad Anwar Dar and Rector Professor Muhammad Iqbal Tahir also spoke on this occasion and distributed degrees among the graduates.
Dr Mujahid Kamran said Iran, Egypt America, China and India had been spending much more money on education. “The Muslims have become a symbol of arrogance in the world and it is a challenge for fresh graduates and younger generation to dispel the impression and achieve distinction in the world by intending the highest goals,” he added.
“The youth of today should follow Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan and Dr Abdul Salaam who never sat idol after achieving distinction in their fields. Dr Abdul Salaam intended to get one more Noble Prize and concentrated on research,” he recalled.
Professor Mujahid Kamran added that from 750AD to 1100AD Muslim scientists laid foundations of modern sciences, but no other Muslim secured this top slot after that. He proposed a uniform education system for all classes so that differences in the society could be reduced.
Earlier, Muhammad Anwar Dar, while addressing the convocation, called the graduates as heroes of today and leaders of tomorrow and urged them to play their role in meeting the challenges of future. Later, Dr Mujahid Kamran, Muhammad Anwar Dar, Professor Muhammad Iqbal Tahir and Professor Kh Zahid Pervaiz distributed medals and degrees among the graduates.