Terror war can be won in 90 days: Imran


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan has said that the war against terrorism can be won in 90 days through dialogue.
He said this in his meeting with British Foreign Secretary William Hague here on Tuesday.
He said it was high time to give peace a chance through dialogue with the tribal people and added that every military operation by Pakistan army against its own people had ended in failure. “We can help Americans in their withdrawal from their mess in this region”, he added.
He told Hague what would be PTI’s agenda in the first 100 days after coming into power. He said that there was a need for good governance that means de-politicization of state institutions, bureaucracy and police. Alongside, he declared his support for devolution giving power to people at grassroots level.
Imran Khan said his party has always advocated a political solution to the problem of terrorism and militancy. He added that his first move would be to have a ceasefire and convince the US that a credible government in Pakistan could stop the militancy in the tribal areas.
Hague agreed that there was recognition that there had to be reconciliation in Afghanistan, even amongst the Americans. But “there are some people like Al Qaeda who are not reconcilable.”


  1. Mr Khan it is a lot more complicated than you can or are comprehending. Besides the solution to the problems of developing countries in general and in particular of Pakistan are not within the grasp of one person. You need to be able to work with people especially your Army to strength the rule of law by supporting and implementing the decisions of the judiciary.

    • you need your people's support dude! perh likh ke bhaar mein jhonk dia kia??? Look at countries in South America… People are with their leaders and even mighty Army or Amreeka factor does not interfere., though they tried a number of times anyway!!! Don't tell me about economic condition cuz those countries were poor before and now they are rising socialist economies…

  2. A Ameican politician was very frustrated by the mess USA was inAfghanistan. On a visit he turned around to a Afghani and said "look we have spent trillions of dollars in the last ten years in trying to build a state which we want you to have but it is going no where. Can you explain? The afgahni replied "Well you never asked us in the first place the sort of state we wanted! The politician was bewildered and said what sort do you want? The Iranian model came the reply.
    Imran , Your intentions are noble but your solutions are simplistic as usual. The war on terror can come to a natural end if the afghani,s were left alone to sort their own problems and pakistan concentrated on it,s own self created mayhem. The nation is tired and is suffering from war fatigue and constant bickering between the various institutions. Even the chief justice the only honourable seems to in a muddle

  3. Looking at the PTI supporters supporting imran's '90 days' verbal diarrheas..there is truth to that old saying "there is a sucker born every minute"

  4. Elect me! I can bring peace, remove corruption, have 10% GDP growth, only in 60 days!! That's 33% off what Imran promises! A bargain..hurry!

  5. political throne is rather than a fashion show, each politician performs cat walk ramp and walks away leaving billions of loans in pending to other government and poor people to pay taxes,

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