CJP summons son in ‘millions of rupees’ scam


In what is being claimed as a conspiracy against the judiciary, the son of Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry has been accused of receiving millions of rupees and sponsored foreign trips for reasons yet to be disclosed. Taking notice of the media reports, Justice Chaudhry late on Tuesday night issued notices to his son Dr Arsalan Iftikhar, Attorney General Irfan Qadir and a prominent property tycoon to appear before a three-member Supreme Court bench headed by him, today (Wednesday). Senior journalist Shaheen Sehbai has claimed that Dr Arsalan received up to Rs 400 million plus sponsored trips to London during 2009, 2010 and 2011 with credit cards to be used abroad by him and his family from the property tycoon. Sehbai made the revelation in an interview to Dr Manzur Ejaz, host of a programme ‘Washington Beat’. Sehbai told Dr Ejaz that he had received this information from a “very credible source”. “The person who gave money to the CJP’s son has admitted to it. They have documented everything. The CJP’s son has also accepted receiving the money in his private gatherings and is even ready to go to jail,” Sehbai claimed.
However, Sehbai said that the detail of the business for which this huge amount of money was given to the CJP’s son is still unknown.
“A few years ago, former president Pervez Musharraf had accused Justice Iftikhar of misusing his authority to provide his son a job. So how can a job seeker become such a successful businessman in just a few years that people entrusted him with millions? Therefore, it is a planned conspiracy,” Sehbai said.
Sehbai claimed that the top leadership of the Pakistan People’s Party including Aitzaz Ahsan and Qamar Zaman Kaira and some senior journalists including Najam Sethi, Kamran Khan and Hamid Mir were aware of the whole matter but just could not ‘find courage to bring it up’.
It may be mentioned here that senior journalist Ansar Abbasi on Monday wrote an article in the Daily Jang unveiling some parts of the scandal, claiming that it was a conspiracy against the independent judiciary.
According to Sehbai, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan was also among the few who knew about the ‘conspiracy’.


  1. If gillani can appoint his own prosecutor, why can Iftikhar Chaudry be the judge in his own son's trial? Just kidding 🙂

    • There is something called POLITICAL DOMINO EFFECT. Let us see which way this goes. Govt's way or judiciary's way.

  2. Regardless of the conspiracy, if the son is guilty, he should pay for the crimes. It doesn't matter whether he was framed or not, he took the money, he has to pay for it now.

    On a side note, this is a true challenge for the CJ, this is his biggest test, his own family being exposed, brought forward. May Allah give him strength to make the right decision.

  3. Lets not kid ourselves. Nobody is pious. Nobody is a saint. True strenght of character will show when justice is dispensed to all equally. If his son is guilty, punish him. If he is not guilty, then punish the ones who accused him. Important thing is to make sure everything is transparent.

    • These days all judges are acting like a political party, and it cannot be expected that, given the Govt-Judiciary tussle, they will be able to dispense justice. Therefore, a neutral agency, such as ISI or Military Intelligence Services should be directed to start investigations, just as people demand to call in army to hold impartial elections.

      • Unfortunately gillani started this whole thing by appointing his own prosecutor in his own case. Now the judges may have learnt from that and may decide to have a judge of their own choice in this case. A judge who would be friendly to the defense just as the prosecutor was friendly to the defense in gillani's case. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Gillani showed them the way. Now all they have to do is follow his footsteps.

      • You are so right. Just like it could not have been expected from the prosecutor in gillani's case, who was appointed by gillani, to go after gillani. There was a clear conflict of interest since the accused was appointing his own prosecutor. I believe this case has too many similarities to gillani's case. Gillani had his way in his case. let Ifthikhar Chaudry have his way in this case. After all, gillani showed him how to beat the system 🙂

      • President , is supposed to be a neutral person, being head of state he represents the whole nation, but look at Zardari , ppp chairman. If you critize Zadari, it amounts to criticizing the president of Pakistan and if he comments, he comments and ridicules like a party head.. he enjoys immunity and at the same time can lead a party and involved in accusations. By becoming a president and party head at the same time, he had brough judiciary into foucs of politics..do not talk of neutral agancies, they have their own stakes.. to me keep putting pressure through media, social media etc ..yo uwill see the results

  4. Why CJ is heading 3 judges bench himself? Does he know Conflict of Interests? Why has he not ordered FIA to initiate an inquiry against his son and Malik Riaz? , as he has done in all the previous cases. Something stinks here.

  5. Any decision given by a bech being headed by CJ, Iftikhar Chaudhry will be considered as doubtful , So, first of all CJ shud not head this bench. The people who consider him as honest judge should give him this advice, instead of heaping praises.

  6. even though this is a conspiracy but yet his son is guilty of taking money. therefore, CJ should not lead a bench instead he should leave it to other judges to decide.

  7. These days all judges are acting like a political party, and it cannot be expected that, given the Govt-Judiciary tussle, they will be able to dispense justice. Therefore, a neutral agency, such as ISI or Military Intelligence Services should be directed to start investigations, just as people demand to call in army to hold impartial elections.

  8. Should CJ resign to ensure free and fair trial? No brother judge can decide against the son of his boss.

  9. All the top members of Pak Corruption Mafioso have got together to connive against Chief Justice of Pakistan involving his son, in a plan master minded by none other than the Don of Land Mafia Gang ie R.Malik. We must not forget that it was the singular act of CJ who defied Mush, when neither BB, nor NS was in the country, that uprooted the dictator. The politicians came into the scene only after the CJ had stood up like a ROCK. This incident will also pass with Almighty's blessing, because the prayers of masses are with Justice Iftikhar. He cannot be blamed for the sins and weaknesses of his son, which have been exploited by thugs and robbers.

    • Have we read the Musharraf reference against ROCK CJ? It contains a para on his son. Nothing happened than, nothing will happen now, History will prove that Musharraf was right and CJ took advantage of illiterate (mostly paid) street power.

  10. Yhis is a baseless prapoganda agaist Pakistan`s judiciary and it is beyond believable.This is an ugly and naked allegations agaist CJP of SC.America and Jews are behind this story.

  11. Like father like son….CJ's son took money in case when property tycoon's son was indicted racing incident that killed five people…! but everybody was silent because of contempt of court abuse by SC.

  12. What the people of Pakistan want is there to be truly fair and transparent justice and in our case the respect and acceptance/applicability of that justice. The latter did not happen in the PM’s case, let’s not prejudge this case rather wait for the evidence to emerge to decide whether the accusations are facts or conspiracy to malign the Judiciary.

  13. It can only happen in Pak – he is no prophet to dispense justice to his son without being biased-WAKE UP PAKISTAN -GET RID OF ALL OF THEM

  14. In the interest of justice he should have stepped down-as in this case justice will not be seen to be done-but lets face it-its a question of power-power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.This scenario is seen in third world under developed countries

  15. The Chief Justice has proved jinx to Pakistan. Mushraf's Government has proved good to the masses until 2007 when Nawaz Sharif's sponsered LIARS movement brought the good goverment down and Corrupt Chief Justice got reinstated. Cases against Nawaz Sharif and Co. have not been heard with same zeal and sting as the cases of other political people especially Peoples Party. I am against PPP but Justice should be blind and for everyone not for a particular group. Once a corrupt is always a corrupt. No Conspiracy Simple Facts. Please Shed this bad habit of Covering the Sactimonious people's Faults/Corruption. CHIEF "Justice" should not sit as judge in this case as he is party to this case. CONFLICT OF INTEREST.

  16. under code of coduct he cannot hear the case of his son.justice should not only be done but also be seems to be done.whether cj is above the code conduct. pk

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