Power riots continue


With no respite in load shedding despite repeated assurances and appeasing announcements by the government, people across the country again donned their protesting costumes on Saturday to demonstrate against the authorities failure to ensure uninterrupted power supply. The power shortfall has gone up again to 6,150MW from 4,787MW a couple of days ago, resulting in unannounced load shedding and manic protests by citizens. People burnt tyres, blocked roads and hurled stones at vehicles and government installations to vent their burning angst.
PEPCO source said power plants were experiencing a shortage of oil and gas supply while water reserves were also decreasing, worsening the power supply figures.
Traders in Faisalabad, who had announced a three-day strike against massive power cuts, continued with the strike on Saturday. A complete shutter-down strike was observed across the city, while traders took to the roads to protest against power outages. Angry protesters chanted slogans against the government and burnt tyres while some protesters carrying


  1. Getting rid of the circular debt and paying companies on time will to a large extent finish the load shedding. This one single factor will help millions of factory and farm workers who have much reduced incomes due to power outages. Electricity bills are regularly paid, the money collected is not used for making payment to oil companies but goes into private pockets.

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