US rebukes Indian military’s violence in Kashmir


The United States has castigated the Indian government for extrajudicial killings, torture, rape and disappearances by Indian troops in the occupied Jammu and Kashmir and north-eastern Indian states.
The US State Department, in an annual document released by State Secretary Hillary Clinton in Washington, said that the Armed Forces Special Powers Act still remained in effect, which provided the Indian troops immunity from prosecution for acts committed by them.
The document also referred to the Public Safety Act, saying that under this act the authorities could detain a person without charge or judicial review for as long as two years. The document maintained that the family members were not allowed access to the detainees in jails. The police, the document added, routinely employed arbitrary detention and denied detainees’ access to lawyers.
Meanwhile, a complete shutdown would be observed in the occupied Kashmir on Wednesday as a mark of reverence for the two Kashmiri women who were abducted, molested and subsequently killed by men in uniform in Shopian three years ago on May 30. The call for strike was given by veteran Kashmiri freedom movement leader Syed Ali Gilani and senior APHC leader Shabbir Ahmad Shah.
Senior APHC leader Abbas Ansari, while addressing a function on the golden jubilee of the Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen in Sringar, said the Kashmiris were determined to continue their struggle to achieve their right to self-determination.
The Association of the Parents of the Disappeared Persons held a special meeting of prayers at its office in Srinagar on Tuesday to mark the International Week of the Disappeared, commenced from the previous day. The participants of the meeting urged religious scholars to hold special prayers for the disappeared persons and their families on Friday.
Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, the executive director of the Kashmiri American Council, speaking at a reception at Royal Banquette Hall, Brooklyn in New York, voiced his continuing belief that India and Pakistan alone could not resolve the 65-year-old Kashmir conflict. He called for inclusion of genuine Kashmiri leadership in all negotiations on the dispute.


  1. US is barking on India for decades on Kashmir issue but it can never bite India.

    Comments on Kashmir issue are just an attempt to improve diplomatic relations with Pakistan so that it can open NATO routes.

    US’ 30% market depends on India…..

    US sees India as regional power which America wants to neutralise China’s dominance in Asia through India.

    Kashmir issue will never be resolved as Pakistan itself is going to break in pieces.

    India, Israel and US are funding Balochistan nationalits which in turn will lead to the disintegration of Pakistan.

    With continuous declination in Pakistan’s economy and increase of terrorism and gurilla movements in Pakistan are providing a very sound ground for disintegration of pakistan. Political unstablition is also another factor.

    Time is ripe and if sources are to be believed Republic of Balochistan is likely to be formed by 2014.

  2. Ethnic cleansing of kashmiri pandits by muslims made it impossible to implement UN resolution.

    Today US itself is not in the favour of plebesite as demographies of kashmir has changed a lot after Pakistan’s insurgency.

    India has a strong hold on kashmir whereas Pakistan is just a ting which neither has any space in International forum nor has any basic tenets. Pakistan is a nation fighting for its own existence.

    • @Khan – ha ha ha ha! You are an Indian agent pushing propaganda.

      Worry about the Naxals and the ULFA. India will not exist in a few years.

      • This is what they have been saying right form mogul to British days and India continues to survive,remain Hindu and well doing well too!

  3. Freedom for Kashmir. Zardari has sold out Kashmir for British Pounds in his Swiss bank account.

    Shame on the EU and USA for preaching about democracy but really only being concerned with the pursuit of money.

    Kashmir has been fighting for independence for over 200 years.

    No to India. No to Pakistan. No to China.

    Complete Independence with all land returned from all 3 occupying nations.

    • lol no to India? You know much funding kashmir gets for its development from India? Average Indian in Kashmir (Indian kashmir) is well educated, healthier and well informed that those in Pakistan kashmir.

      Pakistnis claim on Indian poverty, and so on.. have you seen your own country? No even wants to play cricket with you folks.. not to mention, every nation blames you for terrorism.. China just asked your government to contain the terrorist hiding in Tribal regions bordering China..

      India has such a high respect in world and UN, because of India's evidence, JUD was banned in UN, does pakistan has any capability to ban any such Indian organization (if there was one) ?

      India is among the leading nations in terms of development, innovation and art. Where does pakistan stand? India today launches satellites for other nations on commercial contracts, where as Pkistan is stil lto launch a satellite from its own soil.. (we have been hearing talks abt this happening within 2-3 yrs) but unfortunately talks don;t mean actions.

      Indian successfully launched IPL, and today is completing its 5th season, where as pakistan boldly said it will have its own PPL but shame on you even bangladesh has its own BPL LOL!

  4. Don;t mess with India ever. unless you want another repeat of 71. When a army of 96000 can surrender, it says a lot about the nation itself, i thought pakis beleived each paki soldier is equal to 10 indian soldiers huh? Well iguess all those calculation didn;t work in 71? Kashmir is fighting for independece for 200 years? hmmm really? If this is true, is it also true that mohammad will return to earth soon and will rule over the earth?

    Keep your nuclear bombs in your pocket, because i think your mathmaticall skills are not astrong enough to make you realize when nuclear bombs will fall on your few cities that you have, the effects are pretty much gonna be same as it will be for India! LOL stupidddd!!!

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