Traffic police launch campaign against juvenile drivers


The City Traffic Police on Friday launched a campaign against the juvenile drivers here. In a statement, Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Syed Ishtiaq Hussain Shah said that strict action will be taken against juvenile drivers, adding that their vehicles will also be impounded without any discrimination.
He said that many accidents took place due to under-age drivers who are not aware of traffic rules and regulations. The CTO appealed to parents that they should not hand over the keys of the vehicles to the children until they get driving license.
He directed sector incharge and traffic wardens not to spare them, register cases against them and confiscate their vehicles in relevant police stations.
Bringing drinks into exam rooms may improve grades: study A new study suggests that students who bring water to drink while they sit exams may improve their grades, presumably by keeping themselves hydrated.
The findings are the work of researchers from the University of East London and the University of Westminster and were presented at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in London, Science Daily reported.
Dr Chris Pawson, school leader in learning and teaching and a senior lecturer within the School of Psychology at the University of East London, told the media.
The results imply that the simple act of bringing water into an exam was linked to an improvement in students’ grades. While the study did not investigate the reasons behind the results, Pawson speculated there might be several possible physiological and psychological explanations, one being that there might be a direct physiological effect of hydration on thinking ability, and the other, that consuming water might help students calm down and reduce the anxiety that is known to damage exam performance. For their study, Pawson and colleagues recruited 447 undergraduates in three different cohorts and monitored whether they took drinks into exam rooms with them. They also noted the types of drinks they took. They noticed that first year undergraduates were less likely to take drinks into exams than students in higher years.
When the exam results came out, they related the marks to whether those students had taken water with them into the exam. In their analysis, the researchers took into account coursework marks to rule out as far as they could, the possibility that the students most likely to take water in with them were the more able ones.
They found that the students who did better in the exams tended to be the ones who took water into the exam room with them. The researchers did not examine whether the students actually drank the water: so this does not rule out the possibility that the influence may have come wholly or partly from just having the bottle there, rather than actually consuming its contents. Pawson said more research would be needed to tease apart these factors and their underlying explanations. But whatever the result, he suggests it is probably a good thing for students to try and keep themselves hydrated while sitting at exam centres.