Babar Awan tenders unconditional apology to SC


Former law minister Babar Awan on Monday tendered an unconditional apology with the Supreme Court and requested that his law practicing license be restored which was suspended for ridiculing the judiciary.
The Supreme Court on January 17, 2012, had temporarily suspended his law practicing license under Order V, rule 30 of the Supreme Court Rules, 1980 for ridiculing the judiciary and criticizing the court’s order in memo case.
After the verdict, Awan had criticized the court’s order while reciting some poetic words outside the court at which the court had taken action against him for ridiculing the judiciary and finally had temporarily suspended his license.
“I am a professional lawyer having no other source of livelihood and my fundamental right stands suspended after the court suspended my law practicing license,” Awan pleaded before the court in his application filed through Ali Zafar.
He stated that due to temporary suspension of his license, significant number of litigants who had engaged him as a lawyer over a period of years were suffering irreparable losses, while his staff was also facing hardships.
He further stated that whatever he spoke in the press conference as well as in the press talk was unintentional, based on inadvertence and he was offering his unconditionally apology for his utterances, which was found prima facie to be disrespectful by the apex court. He requested the court to accept his apology and recall its January 17, 2012 order.
Talking to reporters outside the Supreme Court, Awan called the appointment of ad-hoc judges in the Supreme Court legal. He said although he was not in favor of the idea, the appointment of ad-hoc judges in the apex court was legal under Articles 175-A, 181 and 182.


  1. Babar Awan's case is a classical example of Feudal culture in our politics. In the first place he should not have ridiculed the Apex court, there were hundred and one ways of pleasing the Master "President Zardari", however, if he had gone overboard to please the boss than he should have strictly followed what he expected of him. Now he is begging the same court for mercy which he earlier ridiculed. what a pity!

  2. We are all suffering from "Chronic Awan Fatigue Syndrome" Put us and the gentle man out of our misery. No more postponements. Justice delayed is justice denied.

  3. He was fool enough to use words to ridicule Judiciary, he should have been wise enough like Gilani to make fun of Judiciary's decisions by his actions while extending lip service to have high regards for SC.

  4. This person must not be spared. Every One knows that he cant be sorry for what he did. However, supreme court should stop delaying it any further and get this dealt with immediately otherwise the SC will loose credidibility

  5. LOL @ Babar Awan !!! what a fool he is for what he did for Zardari aka Master of Crooks !!! now when his license is cancelled and he's been dumped by his daddy and his party he wants the courts to pardon him !!! I don't think it'll be fair to spare this D-bag as we all know he's not sorry at all and everyone knows his real ugly face !!! May Justice be served !!!!

  6. Cancellation of his licence is restraint of trade and Baber Awan should not be deprived of earning hid livelihood

  7. I would recommend that SC should show mercy to him as he is not worth his waste and is now unwanted by every body

  8. Had Babar Awan not been kicked out by Zardari, he would have continued his raving and ranting against the Supreme Court. He denigrated the Judiciary and being a lawyer and an officer of the court, he was well aware of the consequences. Now he has to face them.

    In U.S., he would have been sent to jail right away, but the SC has been rather lenient with him so far. Sending him to jail may not be the best punishment, suspending his lawyer's license for three years may teach him a lesson, never to open his big mouth against the courts again.

  9. If a murderer extends his unconditional apology to the victim's family, does that mean he goes free? I think not. You break the law, you pay the price. The only way he should be spared is if he turns against zardar/gillani and spill all the secrets 🙂 I can forgive him then. PPP is done with him. We need an oppurtunist politician who can buy babar awan and then use him to bring zardari/gillani govt. down. If awan does that, the whole nation may forgive him and might even treat him like somewhat of a hero.

    • Love your idea Mr Kamran !!!! I don't think he deserves an apology either but there is absolutely no one is this world I hate more than Zardari and Gilani and no one not even crooks like Babar Awan or Rehman Malik can take their place !!!

  10. After reading all the above comments,I would like to give mine.I don't know Babar Awan at all and have no links with him whatsoever.What I personally do think he is not as bad as most of we Pakistanis are judging him.Very correct that he could be brutal in his words,but that is exactly what democracy is all about.Don't forget in other so called civilized countries such comments are normally ignored and treated as if someone is telling to the marines.Suspension of his license for 30 seconds and a severe reprimand should be fair enough.Anything more than that I would consider as a abit too harsh which he certainly does not deserve.

  11. Politically baised and vengeful judges…they are delaying his case deliberately…

  12. How soon we forget, he is th one who ran from the scene of BB"s murder and then sat and shed crocodile tears on a TV talk show, he deserves what he got.

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