Let us not ask for sorry


An American once said; “There are no permanent friendships or enmities, the only thing which is permanent are the interests.”

The United States wants to have normal relations with Pakistan. No doubt we, the Pakistanis, also want to have the same and that too at the earliest. But there are certain prerequisites that have to be done by the United States because the United States’ 11 years long war against terrorism has destroyed Pakistan and that is what Pakistan as a poor friend could do for a wealthy friend.

Pakistan suffered losses of $ 100 billion for being a frontline ally to the United States in its war against terrorism. More than 5000 Pakistani soldiers were killed in this war. More than 35000 civilians lost their lives. Brain drain, capital drain and industry drain have given huge financial loss which will continue for a long time and has given joblessness to the remaining people.

Psyche of people of Pakistan has damaged and destroyed their confidence. Entire investment scenario got a huge dent to the extent that not only the foreigners but the locals also stopped any sort of new investment or expansion in existing business. The situation has turned so pathetic that a small incident either it has any relation to terror or not get huge space in the media of other countries particularly in the Western media.

The US should immediately arrange the compensation of $ 100 billion and should immediately pay $ 10 billion to start with and rest in next five years like 20 billion dollar per year.

In our religion, there is a system of Qasas which was adopted by the US government in case of Raymond Davis. The same way the US government should pay Qasas for all those soldiers and civilians who lost their lives in the war and that too only for the American cause. We do not want them to say sorry and get away. All the families who lost their dear ones should be given Qasas. Each soldier should be given one million dollar and civilian $1-2 million each and $ 10 million for each soldier killed in Salala check post by NATO forces as was received by the United States from Libya in Locker B case in 1988.

As a principle, if there is a fighting between two groups or two countries and a third party gets wounds during this scuffle, it is the moral duty of country to pay at least, at least, at least the medical bill for the injured and this 100 billion dollar is the medical bill for Pakistan.

Therefore, the United States and the other countries are morally bound to pay this medical bill weather they can or can’t but they should. In Pakistan’s case there are certain contradictions in US policy. On the one hand, all Americans talk of friendship but in real the things are moving into the other way round.

For instance, the American administration knows well that Pakistan was in dire need of civil nuclear technology to cope with the energy shortages and for the revival of economic activities but no word has ever come from them on this subject.

They also know that if Pakistani merchandise is given a duty free access to the US market, it could do a lot of help to this country but they always say that they are working on it. And quite surprisingly nobody on this earth knows that when this working would complete. The fate of Preferential Trade Agreement between Pakistan and the United States is also unclear.

America needs to get out of Afghanistan, only Pakistan can be helpful for this withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan. If the US wants to ensure its safe exit from Afghanistan it would have to take certain measures and before implementing these measures, it would have to announce them in the press so that common man in the street could be able to know that the US is leaving Afghanistan. There are a few suggestions that could add to the US respect. These are: all the weaponry of US forces in Afghanistan should be handed over to Pakistan so that Pakistan can handle the post US exit problems. Pakistan will have to face all those forces who have been fighting with US for such a long time.

No matter, how much it costs but the United States should also spend some bucks for the improvement of Pakistan Railways as it is the only means of transportation of US army personnel right from the Afghan border to Karachi seaport for a safe exit.

The writer is a former senior vice president of the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


  1. "The US should immediately arrange the compensation of $ 100 billion and should immediately pay $ 10 billion to start with and rest in next five years like 20 billion dollar per year"

    Well we need to take care of our own first. Quit harboring terrorists and we won't have be there.
    Maybe we should charge you for hiding Bin Laden and you should compensate all 3,000 that died when he attacked us. I think 100 billion a piece to every American would suffice

  2. USA Will say sorry when it will meet the same Russian Fate in Afghanistan. Someone tell the daydreamers that they have lost the WAR.

    @who is offering to say sorry..?
    Why you guys willing to take ur supplies trough Pakistan. Now Press F1 on your keyboards 😉

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