‘Meaning of my name is “Jantar Mantar”’


US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter on Thursday parried a very important question by resorting to a joke.
“What magic did you play on Maulana Fazlur Rehman and leaders of other political parties to persuade them to evolve consensus on parliament’s recommendation, asked the reporter of a private TV channel.
Cameron avoided answering the question, saying meaning of his name in the Urdu language was “Jantar Mantar” (Magician).
The US envoy said it would be premature to say anything about halt in US drone attacks on Pakistani soil. Answering a question, Munter said that the US was not using any Pakistani airbase.
The US ambassador also gave a vague answer to a question about how many US intelligence officials were operating in Pakistan.


  1. Mr. Ambassador, do you speak Abra-kadabra?

    Can you organize some Kaabadi matches between NATO forces and Taliban?

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