Parliament re-sets US ties, wants drones off skies


The parliament on Thursday night unanimously approved revised guidelines on the country’s foreign policy for re-engagement with the US in a bid to put bilateral relations back on track with the US, enabling the government to formulate policy based on the guidelines.
However, there was no mention of reopening NATO supply routes in the recommendations by the bi-partisan Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS).
An official source, however, informed Pakistan Today that the prime minister himself would announce the reopening of the NATO supply routes through an executive order or the Defence Committee of the Cabinet, which had blocked the NATO supply routes, would take the decision.
Earlier in the day, the PCNS met and finalised its foreign policy guidelines unanimously. Playing smartly, the PCNS, which kept meeting for almost four long months, did not say a single word about the fate of NATO supply routes and rather left the hard task with the government, suggesting that the opposition parties did not want to take an unpopular decision in the election year.
Later, the parliamentary parties met separately to discuss the recommendations. The recommendations were then tabled in the joint sitting of parliament that approved the draft the same day. The joint sitting of parliament, through unanimous vote, also urged upon the government to seek unconditional apology from the NATO forces for strikes in Mohmand Agency, cessation of drone attacks and not to allow any private security contractors or intelligence operatives and overt and covert operation inside Pakistani territory. Addressing the members of the joint sitting, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani assured the House that the government would ensure the implementation of resolution on the recommendations by PCNS on new rules of engagement with the United States.
“Today’s resolution will enrich your respect and dignity. I assure you that we will get these enforced in letter and spirit,” said the prime minister addressing joint sitting of the parliament, moments before it adopted the resolution unanimously. Gilani thanked the PCNS head Senator Mian Raza Rabbani and other committee members for their hard work and commitment, observing that these recommendations will be the guiding framework for this government. “For the first time in Pakistan’s history, we have brought real and substantive oversight and democratic accountability to our foreign and security policy,” the prime minister said.
He said the parliament had proven time and again that when it comes to the matters of national interests, “we can and do come together”. “We are making history today. And that we have the strength, the resolve and the ability to take critical decisions in the interest of the nation.” Gilani told the parliament that he learnt about Salala tragedy while in Multan and he immediately mobilized the government and called a meeting of the Defense Committee of Cabinet under his command.

The DCC, he said, immediately instructed the US to vacate the Shamsi base and under the guidance of the parliamentary resolution of May 14, suspended the US/NATO/ISAF lines of communication within Pakistan.
Prime Minister Gilani said the support from across the political divide had strengthened the government’s position to take a bold stance that was not a usual thing. He said after the Salala tragedy, the world had been eyeing Pakistan’s parliament that had been devising new terms of engagements with the United States.
He also recalled his meeting with US President Barack Obama, to whom he told that the partnership with Pakistan could not be successful until the people were satisfied, also mentioning to his meeting with former US President George Bush whom he told about the government’s 3-D policy: Dialogue, Development & Deterrence. “We wish to create a peaceful environment in the region for achieving prosperity and welfare for our people. My government remains committed to improving relations with our neighbours,” the prime minister said.
He said in recent months, the government had taken transformational initiatives to reach out and engage with its neighbours and the vision of the South Asia and Central Asia region is one of mutual security, prosperity and harmony. “We live in an independent and inter-connected world. As a responsible global actor, Pakistan will play its rightful role. By following an independent policy, we will uphold the principles of peace and justice,” Gilani remarked. “I would like to assure this House that my government will implement the recommendations that have been made, both in letter and spirit,” the prime minister said.
NISAR: Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said that all recommendations related to NATO supplies were not included in recommendations on the demands of the opposition. He said his party was interested to include the issue of Dr Afia Siddiqui in the recommendations but the government said that it was its responsibility to take up administrative matters. “This document (recommendation) would be only meaningful when it would go for its implementation not like the previous resolutions which were not implemented,” he added. “It is a half done job as it could be called historical occasion when this resolution would be implemented in letter and spirit. The prime minister’s commitment is not enough the recommendations should implement fully as even a one clause of previous resolutions was not implemented,” he said, demanding guarantee that this resolution was not treated like previous resolutions. After thorough discussion on the recommendations, he said, government has withdrawn some part of clause-6 of the previous. Likewise, in clause–7 of previous recommendation regarding ‘no covert or overt operation inside Pakistan shall be tolerated, word tolerated has been replaced with permitted. Having reservation on it the clause-10 ‘fifty percent of US/NATO/ISAF containers may be handled through Pakistan Railways (PR) and clause-15 of previous resolution have been withdrawn. Nisar said every political party in the House wanted good relation with the US, but there should not be imbalance in the relations.
FAZL: Adding his share, JUI-F chief Fazlur Rahman said previous resolutions were not implemented in letter and spirit and the fresh one should not be treated in that way. He said that foreign agencies should not operate in our country. “If in the future the government adopts any step in this regard, it would be tantamount to sabotaging parliament,” he added. The 14-point recommendations presented by PCNS chairman Senator Raza Rabbani say that US footprint in Pakistan must be reviewed. This would mean an immediate cessation of drone attacks inside Pakistan and cessation of infiltration into Pakistani territory on any pretext, including hot pursuit.
As per revised recommendations, no verbal agreement regarding national security shall be entered into by the government or any department or organization with any foreign government or authority.Washington has been eagerly awaiting the results of the parliamentary review, saying it will be key to reopening supply lines to NATO troops in neighboring Afghanistan. The new guidelines call for an end to US drone strikes, but also stated that the supply lines should be reopened, albeit with a higher fee charged to US and NATO forces. The joint sitting also urged the government to continue its policy of regional peace, have better relations with traditional allies and neighboring countries and actively pursue gas pipelines projects with Iran and Turkmenistan. Furthermore, it stressed that Pakistan’s nuclear program and assets including its safety and security cannot be compromised. The US-Indo civil nuclear agreement has significantly altered the strategic balance in the region therefore Pakistan should seek from the US and others a similar treatment/facility.
The strategic position of Pakistan vis-à-vis India on the-subject of FMCT must not be compromised and this principle be kept in view in negotiations on this matter. The joint sitting adopted that condemnable and unprovoked NATO/ISAF attack resulting in the martyrdom of 24 Pakistani soldiers, represented a breach of international law and constituted a blatant violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The government of Pakistan should seek an unconditional apology from the US for the unprovoked, incident of November 25-26, 2011 in Mohmand Agency. It was also demanded that those held responsible for the Mohmand Agency attack should be brought to justice; Pakistan should be given assurances that such attacks or any other acts impinging on Pakistan’s sovereignty, will not recur; and the Ministry of Defence/PAF should formulate new flying rules for areas contiguous to the border. Furthermore, elaborating on the future procedure, the parliament urged that for negotiating or re-negotiating agreements/MOUs pertaining to or dealing with matters of national security and adopted that all agreements/MOUs, including military cooperation and logistics, will be circulated to the Foreign Ministry and all concerned ministries, attached or affiliated organizations and departments for their views; all agreements and MOUs will be vetted by the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs; all agreements/MOUs will be circulated to the Parliamentary Committee on National Security and the committee shall vet and make recommendations in consultation with the stakeholders and forward the same to the federal cabinet for approval under the Rules of Business of the federal government; and the minister concerned will make a policy statement on the agreements/MOUs in both Houses of parliament. The joint sitting resolved that no private security contractors and/or intelligence operatives shall be allowed; and Pakistan’s territory will not be provided for the establishment of any foreign bases.
The parliament also stressed that the international community should recognize Pakistan’s colossal human and economic losses and continued suffering due to the war on terror. Moreover, it was resolved that in the battle for the hearts and minds an inclusive process based on primacy of dialogue and reconciliation should be adopted and such process must respect local customs, traditions; values and religious beliefs. It explained that there was no military solution to the Afghan conflict and efforts must be undertaken to promote a genuine national reconciliation in an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned process and to strengthen security along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, including the cross border flow of criminal elements, narcotics and weapons, the feasibility of additional measures including electronic surveillance may be evaluated and the process of local joint jirgas should be encouraged according to local customs and traditions. The joint sitting reiterated that Pakistani territory shall not be used for any kind of attacks on other countries and all foreign fighters, if found, shall be expelled from our soil. The parliament underlined that the government needed to review the present focus of foreign policy keeping in view the aspirations of the people of Pakistan.
The MPs stressed that the dialogue process with India should be continued in a purposeful and result-oriented manner on the basis of mutual respect and mutual interest, including efforts for the solution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN Resolution.
Strategic partnership with China must be deepened in all its dimensions; the relationship with the Russian Federation should be further strengthened; Pakistan’s support for the promotion of peace and stability in Afghanistan remains the cornerstone of its foreign policy; country’s special relationship with the Islamic world should be reinforced; and its full membership of SCO should be actively pursued; Pakistan’s bilateral relationships in the region and its institutional partnership with ASEAN and GCC must be upgraded and strengthened; and finally Pakistan should actively pursue the gas pipeline project with Iran.
Later, National Assembly Speaker Dr Fehmida Mirza put the resolution containing the recommendations to the joint sitting that was unanimously adopted.



  2. Bold decision taken in the interest of our country…as we can't afford to isolate ourselves from the international community and specially in the war against terror, however now we are dictating our own terms of partnership where as previous military government couldn't even think to stop NATO supply..

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