Protesting promotions


Employees of the Regional Tax Office (RTO) Lahore continued pen down strike on the second consecutive day against the proposal of promotion of senior auditors as Assistant Commissioner (Inland Revenue). Federal Revenue Alliance (FRA) employees union President Mian Abdul Qayyum led a demonstration in front of the RTO here on Saturday to condemn the decision which according to them would stop the promotion of income tax (Inland Revenue) employees. Participants of the demonstration were demanding immediate withdrawal of the proposal claiming that it was also not agreed by Member Inland Revenue and Member Legal FBR which was the basic requirement before sending the case to Ministry of Finance. Their other demands included that the Carrier path in the services must be properly followed and in this respect the senior auditors be asked to file surety bonds/affidavits so that they would not file any case in the courts later on against this career path defined already. Two orders i.e. putting Sr. Auditors as Unit In charges and the other one designating them as Assistant Commissioner Inland Revenue (OPS) be withdrawn immediately. An Inland Revenue Officer must be posted as Member (Admn). Inland Revenue Officers and Inspectors Inland Revenue be also upgraded to BS -17 and BS – 16 respectively.