SC admits petition for hearing against import of electricity from India


The Supreme Court on Thursday turned down the objections by the Registrar Office and accepted for hearing a petition against import of electricity from India.
During hearing of the Wattan Party petition by the two member bench of the Apex Court headed by Justice Ijaz Afzal Khan, Barrister Zafrullah said that Pakistan has enough resources, like Thar coal, to generate electricity and overcome the shortages.
He argued that India has constructed dams illegally on our rivers and generating 12000MW. He said if Pakistan imported electricity, it would provide an excuse to India to continue with illegal construction of dams upstream on Pakistani rivers in violation of the Indus Water Treaty.
The court, while accepting the petition for hearing, asked Barrister Zafarullah to file an application with Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry for early hearing of the case.


  1. This a lie that India has contructed any dam illegally. Whatever India has done is according to the Indus Water Treaty. Some people go on creating troubles just for sake of creating disputes between India and Pakistan because of vested interests.

  2. It is true India will take advantage to continue with illegal construction of dams upstream on Pakistani rivers in violation of the Indus Water Treaty. So why should buy electricity from india. Conscious people should think about it…..

  3. Yeah, don't take it. We already have severe electricity shortage over here, the 5K MW electricity was being given to placate you guys, so that you guys could think about friendship. Anyway, does anyone here actually has read the Indus Water Treaty, or you guys just blabber hearsay? According to Indus Water Treaty, there's no restriction on creating Run-of-The-River Dams (i.e. Dams that don't store water), in other words the one's which create electricity. And how many dams have you created for your people? If you have not created a dam and the unused water drains off to the sea, that's not our fault. That's yours.

  4. See what happens when you try to help and agree to supply electricity.You get short circuited.Better keep off.

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