Is Priyanka Chopra being targeted by star wives?


Beseiged by nasty rumours and a whisper campaign, Priyanka Chopra has decided to immerse herself in work and focus on her forthcoming music album. But while the 29-year-old Pee Cee has opted for a dignified silence in the face of nasty media whispers, friends of the actress claim that her calm facade is just that. Juggling work, her father’s illness, and these rumours have taken a toll on the star. In particular she is upset and flummoxed by the campaign unleashed by a powerful producer-director who can make and break careers in Bollywood. “At a recent party while he was feeding her cupcakes, she heard rumours of him bitching her out-all this is very hurtful,” said a close associate of the actress. The associate-cum-friend believes that a powerful clique of star wives is behind this spate of anti-Priyanka stories. The actress, who along with Vidya Balan has often been seen as Bollywood’s go-to girl for meaty writer-backed roles, has confided to her friends that whatever is happening to her could be a function of the way the male-dominated industry operates. But she refuses to let it affect her work. As for her version of the events, Priyanka has said she would only talk about her work and the music album. However, her protective friends were more forthcoming. “Ever since she was nine years old Priyanka has been in awe of Shah Rukh Khan. But now she is scared to even utter his name in public, no matter how innocent or professional the context.”