Handed over to terrorists


That city of lights, Karachi

It will go to the eternal discredit of the PPP, MQM and ANP, the three parties the people of Karachi had elected to rule, that they threw the city to the gangs of terrorists. While in the past Karachi faced numerous problems like any other mega city in the world, the incidence of target killings was never as high nor its eruptions so frequent. During the last eight days over 30 people have died, scores of others wounded and more than 50 vehicles set ablaze. There still seems to be no respite to violence.

The current wave of violence started when the MQM issued a call for business centres’ shutdown after the killing of a party activist and his brother. The next day a local ANP leader was gunned down leading to another call for shutdown. As if vying with its coalition partner, the MQM issued a second call for strike. Both the parties know that protest calls of the sort are invariably preceded and followed by killings and acts of arson in Karachi. The closure of the markets and the wheel jam strikes disturb the common man’s life. What is more, it harms the national economy by bringing to halt the industrial and commercial activity in the country’s commercial and industrial heartland. The suspension of bus service stops students from pursuing their studies while hundreds of litigants desperately in need of justice and often coming from far off districts fail to reach the courts.

The killers belong to well-known gangs patronised by political parties. Their identity is no secret. The SC was given a detailed briefing by the top security agencies on who’s who in the business of killing. The enquiry into the Nishtar Park killings was discontinued to avoid ruffling the alliance’s feathers. Those behind the gory incidents of May 12, April 9 and October 18 were not unmasked for a similar reason. The coalition government that rules the centre and Sindh has failed to provide security of life, the least expected from an administration. What stands in the way of stopping the killers are political exigencies wrapped up in the slogan of ‘political reconciliation’. Unless the government abandons the policy of appeasement for short term gains, peace will continue to elude Karachi.


  1. this is reality , The three major political parties are all responsible of this current issue of CITY of LIGHTS.SC should ask the high security agencies (RANGERS , POLICE ) about the current issues. why the could not control the situation whyyy??????????
    even they have a power , animations , force. than whyyyy?
    The system of daily life has disturbed badly. i cant express in words.OH GOD SAVE US.

  2. MQM had a monopoly in Karachi of collecting forced donations or extortion from traders, shopkeepers, drug peddlers, industrialists, bus and truck drivers, real estate business etc. It is a very lucrative business with yields of over Rs 3 to Rs 5 crores daily. For past 3 years others have come in to claim their share of the booty and hence battle for turf.

  3. Il est sans doute un nostalgique de se souvenir «ville des lumières» Karachi, une. Elle est devenue une «ville de l'obscurité et la mort» depuis M. Altaf Hussain est apparu sur les horizons. Il a introduit une dangereuse culture des armes à feu, de chantage et d'extorsion d'argent.
    Oubliez les lumières de Karachi, Paris est une ville de lumières. Merci Dieu il n'y a pas Hussain Altaf ici. Il est un meurtrier et terroriste. Ici à Paris, il aurait été en prison.

  4. It is probably a nostalgic to remember Karachi a 'city of lights'. It became a 'city of darkness and death' ever since Mr. Altaf Hussain appeared on the horizons. He introduced a dangerous culture of guns, blackmail and extortion of money.
    Forget about lights of Karachi, Paris is a city of lights. Thanks God there is no Altaf Hussain here. He is a murderer and terrorist. Here in Paris he would have been in jail.

  5. this again represents lack of knowledge of everybody who is writing on the subject. Not even one of them has ever visited Lyari but give generalized statement. In Lyari there was an old gang war. This area has become a tumor since the sitting MNA cannot visit the area. The so called Peoples Aman Committee has got weapons from Zulfiqar Mirza to destablize adjoining areas and to create disharmony among area people such as Katchis & Baloch. The motive is to create divisions between urdu speaking and pathans who interdepend on each other in economic life. All Memons from Kharadar were displaced. MqM is least represented in the areas wherein many gangsters from Aman Committee were arrested for Chakiwara massacre of Punjabi shopkeepers. This all means that even PPP is hijacked by Aman committee which has got latest weapons. Rehman Malik should be credited of challenging Aman Committee in the area. The problem should be discussed in this light.

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