‘Pakistan a threat to war on terror’


A top American military commander told lawmakers on Tuesday that Pakistan continued to be a threat to the war against terrorism. “As you know, the nature of the Taliban in those safe havens differs, varies according to where they are geographically. I believe that, in the south, the southern Taliban elements out of the Quetta Shura — their momentum has been successfully thwarted,” General John Allen, commander of the US and NATO forces, told lawmakers at a congressional hearing. If the issue of safe haven across the border was not resolved, he continued, more and more Afghan security forces would have to be deployed on Afghan-Pakistan frontier.
“Chances are very good that, if the issue isn’t resolved in our favor one way or the other, we’ll probably have to have a larger presence of the ANSF than we had anticipated which may require us to thin the ANSF in other places in Afghanistan.


  1. US should focus more on a strategy to stop the production of improvise explosive devices by Pakistan instead of blaming an criticizing Pakistan.

  2. Government and citizens of Pakistan need to work together to stop terrorism and the use of improvised explosive devices.

  3. Militants need to be hunted and killed. That is the only way production of improvised explosive devices can be halted an war on terrorism can be won.

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