‘Zardari is a backstabbing liar!’


Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Munawar Hasan has termed President Zardari’s claims of establishing supremacy of the constitution and the law, containing inflation and devising new plans to overcome energy crisis as totally false and jugglery of words and against the facts.
Commenting on the president’s address to the joint sitting of the parliament, Hasan said as far as the supremacy of the constitution was concerned, the president was the symbol of the federation and was supposed to be above party politics, but he was holding the presidential and party office at the same time, in contravention of court orders. The PPP government, he said, had not obeyed even a single order of the Supreme Court and Prime Minister Gillani was arrogantly refusing to obey the Apex court order for writing letter to the Swiss Banks about president’s bank accounts.
The country, he said, had been in the grip of worse load shedding of electricity only due to non-payments of dues to the power companies. The electricity tariff had been raised constantly although the government had failed to supply electricity. He said, the government had been printing currency notes of over one-and-a-half billion everyday due to which inflation had gone up instead of coming down.
Hasan said that during the four years of the PPP-led coalition government, corruption, unemployment and prices had touched new heights, the country had been made a US slave, the masses were insecure, and the country’s economy had been ruined. Major national institutions like PIA, Railway, Steel Mills were on the brink of disaster. About plan to give Most Favoured Nation status to India, he said it would amount to stabbing the Kashmiris in the back. India had been building dams on the Pakistani rivers and instead of protesting on that, the rulers in Islamabad were making friendship with New Delhi. The PPP, he said, had never held fair, free and impartial elections and its entire politics based on rigging and stealing others’ mandate. He added that fair and transparent elections were impossible in the presence of Zardari in his office.