Women are creators of society: Shahida


Former law minister Barrister Shahida Jamil said, being mother, sister, daughter and wife, woman has a dominant role in the society, so they should stand up against the inequalities. Talking in a programme of a private TV news channel, Shahida Jamil said with increasing awareness reluctance is decreasing to impart education to girls and send them out for jobs, but there are still some grey areas where the government and the civil society have to continue their efforts for realising the full potential of the half of the country’s population.
She said for the establishment of a balanced society, differences should be removed between male and female to bring a positive change. She said, “We must also keep it in mind that Pakistan is an Islamic and ideological state and its higher values and traditions should be upheld as there is great different between modernization and Westernisation.”
She said that men and women are two indispensable parts of the society, so they should work jointly for such a system as could be beneficial for both the genders in equal terms.
Shahida continued that women of today are lucky enough as they have the opportunity to raise voice for their rights.
She said gender discrimination has no link with our religion or our cultural heritage, adding that man and woman are equal citizens of the society, so there should be equal opportunities of progress for both the genders.
Shahida Jamil said that change in mindset of people towards gender equality can only help to fulfill the dream of women empowerment.