Vandals daub death threats on Jerusalem Baptist church


Attackers daubed death threats on the walls of the Baptist House church in central Jerusalem overnight and vandalised three cars parked nearby in the latest “price tag” hate crime, police said on Monday. “Anti-Christian graffiti was found on the walls of the Baptist church and the tyres of three cars parked nearby were slashed,” said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld of the church which is located on Narkis Street in west Jerusalem. The Hebrew-language graffiti was written on the exterior walls of the building, with slogans reading: “We will crucify you” and “Death to Christianity,” an AFP correspondent at the scene said. They also included crude insults about Jesus and his mother Mary, he said. Church officials were not immediately available to comment on the incident.


  1. … Another Israeli false flag mission … something that they are unmistakable masters of …

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