Bahria Dastarkhawan feeds 6,000 people


Bahria Town has opened a new branch of its welfare project Bahria Dastarkhawan, facing PIMS Hospital, where approximately 6000 people enjoy free meals twice a day. Bahria Dastarkhawan provides free meals to approximately 60,000 people in various cities. This branch of Bahria Dastarkhawan is the fourth one in the twin city and the 87th in the country-wide network.
A large number of factory workers, labourers, hospital attendants, patients’ relatives and taxi drivers come to the facility. This also comprises of a large number of women and children. The Dastarkhawan was constructed on an area of 1.5 Kanals and can seat 700 people. 50 administrative staff members work in two shifts. A quality control department monitors the quality of food and the facilities provided on a continuous basis.