Islamist-led opposition favourites as Kuwaitis vote


Kuwaitis were casting ballots Thursday in a snap vote to elect the fourth parliament in less than six years, with pollsters predicting a solid victory for the Islamist-led opposition.
The vote in the wealthy Gulf state, which follows an especially tense campaign and some outbursts of violence, seeks to end political disputes that have hurt the country for years.
Women voters, dressed in clothes ranging from black traditional abayas to casual Western-style jeans, lined up in short queues at female-only voting stations as lines of men formed at separate polling booths.
Female voters make up 54 percent of the electorate and 23 women are among 286 candidates running for the 50-seat legislative body.
Voter traffic at the polling centres was low in the morning but picked up rapidly later, especially in tribal constituencies where men stood in long queues.
In the suburb of Keifan, an Islamist stronghold on the outskirts of Kuwait City, voters turned out in large numbers as representatives of candidates made a last-minute pitch to convince voters.
Turnout was described as “good” in the morning, but based on previous elections, Kuwaiti voters normally prefer the evening session.
Pollsters and analysts expect the 400,000 electorate to deliver a resounding victory for the Islamist-led opposition which has campaigned vigorously for fundamental reforms and against corruption.