Majority of Kashmiris want freedom: Indian ministry


India’s Home Ministry has acknowledged that a majority of Kashmiri people want freedom from the Indian occupation of their land.
A survey conducted in the Indian-held Kashmir (IHK) for the Home Ministry by the Institute for Research on India and International Studies (IRIIS) has found that 54 percent Kashmiri youth demanded freedom, although independent surveys say the percentage is much higher. The ministry is expected to release the findings in a few days after the survey studied the perception and psyche of the Kashmiri youth as well as the media impact’s at the height of the 2010 uprising, Indian media reported. While 54 percent identified azadi (the term used by the Kashmiris for liberation from India) as their preferred final status for Jammu and Kashmir, the study noted that the general political awareness of the Kashmiri youth was very high. It stated that they accessed multiple channels of communication to get news and if an important event or a crisis was unfolding, they tended to verify the news from various alternate sources. Analysts say it is mainly due to the lack of objectivity and growing bias in the Indian media. Nearly 60 percent of the Kashmiri youth read both local English and Urdu dailies, while only 17 percent read the Indian English dailies.
Internet is also gaining popularity, though largely in the urban areas where 31 percent access it — 77 percent of them on their mobile phones using GPRS or 3G services. The Web is used mainly to access local newspapers and Kashmir-specific websites, the survey report said.


  1. Yeah its about time WE admit as well. Let Kashmir be free. Lets stop tying them to our futures, lets let them make a future of their own. GOD knows iss mulk keh sath jurr kar unka khud ka hee kabara ho ga.

    • You are not a real Kasmiri by blood. Real Kashmiris go way back, way beyond this islamic shit and propaganda. Pakistan is a failed and useless state and people there are useless and insane. We will remain as an integral part of India and this is the only way we will succeed and bring success upon our future generations. If we are alongside Pakistan we will go nowhere like Pakistan.

  2. This kind of rubbish news is only found in Useless pakistani news sites. First give freedom to people of balochistan and then u can come to Kashmir.

    • Survey is done by you indians. Accept truth and back off from Kashmir. Balochistan is none of your business. Its not that there is hindu majority there who wants merger with india. Whereas in Kashmir, Majority Muslims wants either Independence or merger with Pakistan.

        • indian u not in capacity face truth but freedom is the fundamental right of every citizen u not snatching it………………KASHMIR bne ga PAKISTAN inshALLAh

  3. For past 6 decades pakistan is the only nation in the world which is crying and begging for kashmir. Not even a single country including muslim countries and pakistan`s all weather friend china had never supported this issue. This kind of rubbish news is only found in Useless pakistani news sites. First give freedom to people of balochistan and then u can come to Kashmir.

    • aur Baloch brother ia also victim of internationaly interferance u r also including in this lobby atlast Baloch is the ever vital part of Pakistan


    • we baloochi dont want freedom from pakistan instead we want our rights. we love pakkkkkkkkkkk…………..

  4. Well, read the survey findings fully. Just 1% prefer India and the same percentage i.e 1% prefer Pakistan. Around 60% want independence. So the news above is just twisted to suit the country it is published from.

  5. Janab Maulana Saheb do not teach the innocent public by your sweets words for Est.bcoz this department is so strong you cannot interfere in their matters.Perhaps you remember when the PPP Government came into power and addressing the nation by the Prime Minister,he immediately announced tto increase the salaries of government Staff without the approval of the Parliament and the Senate,why You remained in his government as coalition partner,why you do not raise your voice and concern on this issue.Now you are talking about for nothing.Establishment is the part and parcel department at any time and for any party.It is useless to criticise on them.for nothing you are worsening their position and status.they will never form the next government of Pakistan IN SHAH ALLAH

  6. Yhis report is a clear indication that India has occupied the land of Kashmiris for nothing.Why the U.N.O has closed its`eyes on this sentitive issue.Every time India tries to throw ashes in the eyes of respected so-called peace loving organization that India is a peace ;oving and democratic country,then why they do not give the right of self-determination to the occupied Kashmiris in Occupied Jammo and Kashmir held by this country.If there is any problem in other parts of the world,the so-called peace loving and So-called Democratic Powers immediately forward and play their negative role to help them.But why they hesitat to co-operate with this Islamic and atomic Power pakistan.Now the Security Council and General Assembly of U.NO. must open its eyes and focus its full eneergy and resoces to solve this long dispted problem between India and Pakistan.Otherwise the peace loving nations of the world will be forced to think that what is the usefulness of this world agency,it must do something or it would prefer to wind up its is only for america`s interests only.Yhis is quite unhuman and agaisnt the basic charter of U.NO.

  7. Why the innocent and unarmed people of Kashmiris are not given their right of self-determination.We want to affiliate with Pakistan only and do not live under the undemocratic authority of India.where is U.NO.WAKE UP PLZ.FROM DEEP SLEEP

    • Please read the 1948 UN resolution about plebiscite in J&K, and see why it could not be followed because of refusal by Pakistan to do what it was required to do. You would then know why even the comity of nations and the UN do not expect the resolution to be implemented. There is no truth in Pakistani propaganda about J&K, just as there is no truth in anything it says.

      Even now if Pakistan stops sending terrorists to J&K there would be peace. J&K cannot be allowed to be turned into another North Waziristan or East Pakistan. It needs protection which is what the Indian army is providing.

    • This is a fake news created by u stupid pakis. For past 6 decades pakistan is the only nation in the world which is crying and begging for kashmir. Not even a single country including muslim countries and pakistan`s all weather friend china had never supported this issue. This kind of rubbish news is only found in Useless pakistani news sites. First give freedom to people of balochistan and then u can come to Kashmir.

  8. kashmir r made slaves by india,as Hindustani’s itself were made slaves by britishers.i appeal india to end their illegal occopation of kashmir…

    • If there is any illegal occupation in J&K it is by Pakistan over the part it has occupied by aggression. Please read the 1948 UN resolution about J&K. J&K is legally an integral part of India. There is an accession treaty to prove that legality. Pakistan has no legal document to prove its occupation of a part of the state.

      There is only one solution to Kashmir problem; Pakistan should vacate its illegal occupation and stop sending terrorists across the border. Pakistan would refuse to do so at it own peril.

  9. Join/Like Us

    Who cares if a soldier dies!!!

    Take a man and put him alone, Put him twelve thousand miles from home. Empty his heart of all but blood, Make him live in sand, in mud.

    Play your politics and have your fun, Then refuse to use a gun. There’s nothing else for you to do, Then I’m supposed to die for you?

    He had the guts to fight and die, To keep the freedom you live by. By his dying, your life he buys, But who cares if a soldier dies!!

  10. Pakistan dont want that kashmir should merge with it but Freedom, lets make them an independent state. and lets make them their own parliment and govt. and wait that whats the decission of their govt. and on the base of mutual cooperation, we all should do help because kashmiri fought more than 60 year, a silent war now its time for their own destination. and my dear indian brothers, we are always ready for friendship as well as war, we fought 4 wars with u, we lost bangladesh and u lost ur own territories. now please forget this rubbish war word, remember if we will joined together with the partnership of China, we will be the only superpower in the world. we are under west politics to cotinue to fight and to be ruled under them, so lets come, we also have to decide our own future.

    • What bravado!!!!!!

      Best of luck to you. and all good wishes. But remember, Chins will be much more demanding than USA. There are no Free Lunches!

      You do seem to be coming to your senses at last, but, alas, can not help adopting a threatening poseture.

      BTW what "territories" did India lose?????

    • What do the Pakistanis know about freedom? You shouldn't use the words Pakistan and freedom in the same sentence. India and Pakistan took independence same time and now look at the two countries; you people are far behind in all aspects. We don't want friendship, first you disgusting poonjabi pathan idiots kill my Pashtun people and you want to talk about freedom? Pakis are theives as PAKI stands for Punjab Afghanistan Kashmir India.

    • "Independence from both Pakistand and India"?

      You will be gobbled up by Pakistanis within days if Indian army were to leave the valley. Pakistan has tried that twice before; in 1947-48 and 1965. Thank you lucky stars, you had Indians there to protect you.

      Besides, all alone, land-locked J&K will not be a viable state. And, you need Kashmiri Pandits to retain your Kashmiriat.

  11. indian masses are illusioned by their media abt kashmir reality.kashmari love pakistan only becz it is an islamic state.india should grant freedom(aazadi) to kashmiri’s..lastly i on behalf of kashmarîs congratulate pak cricket team 4 their brillant success aganist eng,..

  12. My Name is huzaif from northern kashmir .. what ever stated in the above news is either fake or bakwaas news. we kashmiris never ever want to be a part of pakistan in our life coz kashmir solely belongs to India and we are proud to associate kashmir as a part of india proud to be a kashmiri and proud to be an indian

  13. Fair refrendom/plebicite should be the solution for Kashmir & jamuu state….!
    BUT Reality is
    WAR is the only solution to this international issue……….!
    Long live kashmir…….Long live Pakistan…………………………………………….!

  14. What ever pakistan may claim with their false agendas ——-KASHMIR WILL NEVER SURRENDER TO INDIA —- as it belonngs to India . india is a great country with a gud econonomy and we are having a best life here – alhamduilillah -but pakkstan is a mess within it self -undeveloped poor economy – no industrial growth and begging with america for their living —– pakistan cannot look after its own self and they want kashmir so that people of kashmir should also be stuck into this ugly mess called pakistan—— Long to kashmir – long live india—– Alhamdulillah i am proud to be an indian

  15. i am a kashmiri and i always want to live in india coz its our motherland we are born here . pakistan or who ever it is . take ur steps back – our kashmir belongs to india and we are indians -pakis get the hell out

  16. I am a kashmiri. I have respect for eveybody’s arguments. I don’t think so that Huzaif and Ahmed are Kashmiri. But if they are I want to ask Huzaif and Ahmed one thing you want to live with India it’s okey but do you have majority?

    More than one thousand hundred people have died what’s for? Just for freedom, yes Dear. Every honourable country has a desire that the problem of Kashmir must be sloved through the will of Kashmiri people. There is only one solution, give them their right and ask them weather they want to live with Pakistan or India. But India knows that the people of Kashmir want freedom. India do not ready to give this right to the people of Kashmir. Why? Instead of this they are killing innocent people. They are killing even children and women.

    So if India is a brave country give right to Kashmiri people to express their will. Kashmiri people’s decision must be final decision.

    I want to live with Pakistan this is my will and I’ll crush my will before majority will. Where majority is I would be there, and world knows that majority of Kashmiri people want to live with Pakistan.

    • Kashmir issue was settled long ago in 1947 when instrument of accession was signed as rest of the indian princely state did. Pakistan has no locus standi on Kashmir issue. /Rather, Pakistan should focus on Balochistan issue. India is a secular nation and cannot allowing breaking it's integral part on the religious grounds on Pakistan's provocation.

    • My friend, Kashmir does not belong to you alone…. It also belongs to the Lakhs of Kashmiri Pandits that were forcefully driven away from Kashmir, by Pakistani militants.
      First, bring back the Kashmiri Pandits & Sikhs, and then decide on your future, where you want to join….bcoz Kashmir belongs to them as much as it belongs to you.

  17. By the way, which Kashmir r u all talking about. POK held by Pakistan, consisting of Northern Areas [ here already plenty of groups who do not want to remain in Pakistan ] or J & K where Kashmir consists of Ladakh [ majority Budhist], Kashmir valley [ majority Muslims) or Jammu [ majority Hindus] It is only in India that all three communities co-exist in harmony . Of course, ups & downs in relationships are part of living hence some disagreements do occur within us. So the question of separation of J & K does not arise, it is not only impractical but also foolhardy. If you ask certain people certain questions then ur bound to get the answers u want. Hence i would advise people to live & let live. There is no point in advocating division because it is not in the interest of anybody, neither POK or J&K. Stop terrorism from across the border + give peace a chance in Kashmir valley [ by not pandering to the likes of Geelani & Y Mallik] & everything will be well here in India as well as in Pakistan. AMEN!

  18. The whole Kashmiri Valley is the essential part of Pakistan as it was decided where the Muslims are in majoriy can join to be the aprt of Pakistan.according to this decision,India was bound to accept all these conditions with open heart.Moreover according to this decision,it was decided that upto dehli,State Joona garh,most paers of Indian held Punjab were supposed to be included to Pakista.but India violated and by armed forces,they occupied all these parts and declared the part of India,which do not admit.The whole Jammu and Kashmir is the part and parcel of Pakistan,which Indian forces in cor-operation with British soldiers occupied and made this part of India by one-way decision,which according to the International Law is a shamwful and naked agrresion on newly born Pakistan.A time will come and the whole world will realise that Pakistan is right.why Indians have occupied Indian held Punjab,as they want freedom from India.what about Assam and other states which want freedom from India.If some Indians do not agree with this formulae,but internationally in the U.N.O it is recgnised that Jammu and Kashmir is a dispted area between India and Pakistan and they must be given the right of self-determination.why Inidia is not fulfilling its internation obligatories and why avoid to excercise this decision.

    • When you will get rid of this pathetic habitual outright lying habit or from your ignorance. You better educate yourself from independent resources. Jameel

    • UNO itself clarified that plebiscite is not applicable now as Pakistan did not abide by the original UNO resolution regarding removing all of the forces from POK and later infiltrating and waging war against India over Kashmir. UNO also clarified that passage of time is also a valid reason that plebiscite is no more applicable. You better read original independent sources and educate yourself before outrightly lieing to the world. It is a serious pathetic habit and giving Islam a bad name around the world. Insah allah Pakistan one day stop interfering in the Kashmir issue and let us leave in peace.

  19. Ye sub partition ke wajah se hua…. Nahi tou ab hum sab indians and paki people milkar ek he country mein rehte… Kashmiri people please remove from ur mind dat u wil be safe after the kashmir partition… It wil be very difficult for u all.. Bcoz other indian muslimswil liv haapy with freedom in a safe country for all.

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