Unemployment to end if Sindh gets its due share, says Altaf


Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain on Friday said that no one in Sindh would be left unemployed if the province which generates the country’s 70 percent revenue was given its due share.
Addressing a party rally in Sukkur via telephone, Altaf said the MQM was the country’s only party which had not signed the National Finance Commission (NFC) Award. He said the MQM was opposed to the Kalabagh hydropower project because the people of Sindh had rejected it.
“It is time for the people of Sindh to decide if they will elect MQM’s candidates selected from the poor and middle class, and inflict a crushing defeat on the feudal lords,” he said.
Speaking to the Sindhi nationalists, the MQM chief said, “Your politics of divide and rule have come to an end. The Urdu-speaking Sindhis and the Sindhi-speaking Sindhis have united.”
“Sindh contributes over 70 percent to the national exchequer. If given its share according to its population and contribution, unemployment will end and feudalism will be uprooted. Schools will be opened, centres for women’s development will be built, and technical universities would be set up. The people of Sindh will work hard and provide a life of dignity and honour for their children,” Altaf said.
“How long will the people of Sindh continue to lead a life of helplessness before the feudal lords and not think about changing their circumstances? Today Sindh needs a genuine leadership instead of thieves and robbers,” he added. “We should remove the distinction of new Sindhi and old Sindhi by embracing each other. We are all Sindhis.”
The MQM chief said that Sukkur had always been a neglected district, and urged the federal and provincial governments, of which the MQM is a coalition partner, to allocate addition funds for development projects in Sukkur.
He said the government should build a university and a medical college in Sukkur to provide higher and technical education to local students.
“Electricity and gas supply in Sukkur and its adjoining areas should be ensured,” he added. Altaf announced a grant of Rs 1 million for Sukkur Press Club, and called for establishing an institution to provide training to journalists. Talking about the recent sectarian killings in Karachi, he said that Shia and Sunni lawyers and doctors had been under a conspiracy to destabilise the Pakistani society. He sympathised with the bereaved family members of the victims.


  1. 12 billion dollars money of pakistani people were spent on Turbela dam construction but when completed then ANP says its mine.Yes Turbela dam belongs to kpk but first pay 12 billion dollars of all pakistani money. Similarly 400 billion dollars of all pakistani were invested like steel mill etc in karachi so when karachi developed then MQM says karachi is mine.Yes karachi is of MQM but first pay 400 billion dollars to all pakistani investers which MQM will not be able to pay in 200 years. There was sui gas in dera bugti since million years ago since the days of hazrat Adam alaih salam but when pakistan spent 20 billion dollars investment to draw gas then people of bugi started saying its our gas. It should be remembered that karachi,sui gas,turbela dam etc or other developments are made possible due to huge investments of all pakistani people and federal government. My question is who will pay federal government that it spent 300 billion dollars investment all over pakistan since 1947 and who will pay the investment of 700 billion dollars made in karachi by industries,transportation,buildings. The progress of karachi is due to investment of all pakistani and not due to MAN wo SALWA sent by GOD and also not due to milk or oil or honey rivers flowing in karachi.So MQM OR other parties should not say that income will be eaten by them only.All pakistan belong to all and every one is free to invest where he likes and get income.Every one free to do any work every where in pakistan as he likes.

  2. The best solution of sindh is that most of the lands occupied by the Feudalists must be snatched be divided to the needy landless people .the bhutto Family has lots of land in Larkana be given to the poor public.In that way lots of people will be busy in cultivation job.this is the worst positin is also in Balochistan.90 percent of land is occupied by some group of people who are misusing and utilisings their lands on their own luxurious manners.

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