FIA nabs owners of pharmaceutical companies


Investigators of FIA on Monday arrested owners of three pharmaceutical factories involved in selling contaminated medicines at Punjab Institute of Cardiology. FIA officials arrested aforesaid owners of Alfa Pharma, Mega Pharma and Pharma Wise including Waseem Chaudhary, Tahir Azam and Ch Nadir after registering three cases against them on the complaint of drug inspectors during an enquiry initiated by the FIA on the directions of Interior Minister Rehman Malik. Punjab FIA Director Waqar Haider said investigators will conduct investigations on merit and any one found involved in the issue would be dealt with according to the law, adding that more arrests would be made also. Earlier taking notice of the tragedy, Malik constituted a joint enquiry team under the supervision of Punjab FIA Director Waqar Haider. The team included federal drug inspector, other FIA officials and other relevant personnel. Malik also directed the joint enquiry team to submit a report within three days, identifying the cause of the incident, recommendations to prevent a similar incident in the future and legal action against the responsible. It is learnt that FIA had also received a letter from the Governor House in which Punjab Governor Sardar Latif Khosa directed Haider to probe the matter regarding the deaths and submit an enquiry report.


  1. Irfan here they are misguiding the whole nation. Nothing had yet been approved against pharma companies on the basis of results. Reality behind is different that they will not tackle. It is purely a system fault. Doctors has to manage the dosage control they are not getting able to manage due to overburden or else. There are no pharmacists in the hospitals. There is no proper storage of medicines in hospitals. They are just trying to put the blames on these personals and trying to mask the real reason that, as I am a life sciences researcher, is not due to drugs; that is due to mismanagement. If these pahrmas are culprit, even then there is a need of long term policy making that is not possible in this system of no facilitation and corruption.

  2. Mr Chaudhry
    You are describing a situation, which is irrespective of the health service of a province, endemic in hospitals in Pakistan e. After all, the people have been served in these conditions for many years without this level of causalities (deaths).

    A very high death rate, likes of which have been witnessed here, can only be as result of drug impurities. Health systems in Western Europe are developed but they are also not immune to mishaps. I have to say that what has happened in Punjab is unprecedented, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and some African countries, is unprecedented in the developed world.

    Charges of involuntary man slaughter (gayr iradee qatal) can be brought against them and convictions secured through judicial process.

    Kind Regards

  3. Why GOVT is not investigating doctors because no hospital pharmacist are present there so they may be mishandling dosages, drug interaction, disease interaction etc. GOVT must take this into account

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