NAB in action


Timing is everything

Accountability is as necessary for the functioning of a democratic setup as freedom of expression. It forms an integral part of the famous ‘check and balance’ system to keep everything transparent and clean. NAB’s overnight operation seems justified when seen in this backdrop, but the fact that the motive behind this move is as vague as it can be, the whole exercise begs further careful scrutiny. Laying low had been the agenda of the organisation of late. This sudden burst of action does have some hidden meaning to it, many would claim, but is there any truth to such claims or was it just a routine action on the orders of the court?

As the government is part of an ongoing political tripartite crisis, involving the executive, the military and the judiciary, such an action is certain to raise eyebrows given the conspicuous inaction in the preceding months. Of the three who were arrested, former secretary establishment Ismail Qureshi, who has assured of his cooperation and clarified that he appointed Adnan Khwaja after a verbal order from the PM, has been released by the court. Considering the fact that the next deadline for the government to get its act together is tomorrow, these arrests could be deemed as a step to tone down the ire that the government has attracted from the superior judiciary. Effectiveness of this action notwithstanding, if the NAB has taken this initiative on its own, one wonders what might have forced the change of heart of its chairman who vehemently opposed such an action only last week.

Due to the judiciary’s consistent grilling of the in-power politicians and a pliant attitude towards the khakis, the government feels cornered. It could use this flurry of activity as an excuse to delay imminent doom (in the form of the memo case and the NRO decision’s implementation case) and extract some leniency from the court. Agreeing to write to the Swiss authorities would also help in this regard as it may have no serious repercussions for the government. The president can claim immunity as provided by the constitution, a point that the judiciary would find very difficult to counter.

Though it is not going to be easy, riding the storm seems to be the best option for the government at present. And if the government’s vital monitoring institutes are allowed to run independently, there won’t be any Memogates or a need to write to the Swiss authorities.


  1. NAB should arrest Abdul Qadir Gillani, who had opened a one-window exchange for undue favors in return for cash. The young man owns a 1 crore worth limousine but pays zero tax.

    • I want to highlight and put on record for all concerned DFI's, Banks, financial institution's Heads that Schon Group on the guidelines of Mr. Kausar Iqbal Malik managed to accrued Pak China Fertilizer and Quidabad Woolen Millis Limited. It is also put on account that Schon Group being a defaulter of National Bank of Pakistan, Allied Bank of Pakistan, Habib Bank Limited, United Bank Limited, Muslim Commercial Bank, Saudi Pak (SAPICO) and various Leasing Companies for Rs 1.225 Billion, could manage to get back the above units..
      National Bank of Pakistan acquired CIRC and NDFC. As an employee of SEVP, NBP Mr. Malik has an access to all documents related to Schon Group pending recoveries .Mr. Kausar Iqbal Malik as DG FCIW, NAB played a major role in negotiating an agreement in Dubai with Schon Group dated October 25, 2005. He played a double game by giving a guideline to Schon Group for making an Agreement with NAB and on the other side protected his own interest and pressurized the CIRC to with draw there concerned against Schon Group. Being experienced bankers, I request you to get this Agreement evaluated. (Agreement Attached).The extent and the criminal favour done by Mr. Kausar Iqbal and losses given to NBP, MCB, HBL, ABL, UBL and Pakistani DFI 's, can be well imagined.
      Dear Sir, It is further shocking that with a simple law degree holder and MBA from an unknown University Mr. Malik served and enjoyed the power of DG FCIW, NAB and at present SEVP, NBP. As DG (FCIW) he also pressurized his parent department (National Bank of Pakistan) to hire his personal residence situated at Askari, Rawalpindi.
      Sir, I do request you that Mr. Kausar Iqbal Malik's name may kindly be put on ECL and a Consortium of all Creditors i.e. Banks, Leasing Companies should be made for taking appropriate legal action for doing an agreement with Schon Group, which purposefully delayed the processes of recoveries and put banks in a situation to take legal action and to hire eminent lawyers on heavy fees.
      This is an appeal for a noble cause. I request you to eliminate financial corruption and bad practices within financial framework.
      Be a part of Honest Executives of Pakistan who can dare to speak against the people who are deliberately giving financial losses to Pakistan for their personal gains. Use the power delegated to you for poor tax payers of this poor Nation.
      I look forward to an appropriate action which can change the History of Banking industry of Pakistan. More so, I shall anticipate your response to the issues and the corruption which has plagued our country.


    I want to highlight and put on record for all concerned DFI's, Banks, financial institution's Heads that Schon Group on the guidelines of Mr. Kausar Iqbal Malik managed to accrued Pak China Fertilizer and Quidabad Woolen Millis Limited. It is also put on account that Schon Group being a defaulter of National Bank of Pakistan, Allied Bank of Pakistan, Habib Bank Limited, United Bank Limited, Muslim Commercial Bank, Saudi Pak (SAPICO) and various Leasing Companies for Rs 1.225 Billion, could manage to get back the above units..
    National Bank of Pakistan acquired CIRC and NDFC. As an employee of SEVP, NBP Mr. Malik has an access to all documents related to Schon Group pending recoveries .Mr. Kausar Iqbal Malik as DG FCIW, NAB played a major role in negotiating an agreement in Dubai with Schon Group dated October 25, 2005. He played a double game by giving a guideline to Schon Group for making an Agreement with NAB and on the other side protected his own interest and pressurized the CIRC to with draw there concerned against Schon Group. Being experienced bankers, I request you to get this Agreement evaluated. (Agreement Attached).The extent and the criminal favour done by Mr. Kausar Iqbal and losses given to NBP, MCB, HBL, ABL, UBL and Pakistani DFI 's, can be well imagined.
    Dear Sir, It is further shocking that with a simple law degree holder and MBA from an unknown University Mr. Malik served and enjoyed the power of DG FCIW, NAB and at present SEVP, NBP. As DG (FCIW) he also pressurized his parent department (National Bank of Pakistan) to hire his personal residence situated at Askari, Rawalpindi.
    Sir, I do request you that Mr. Kausar Iqbal Malik's name may kindly be put on ECL and a Consortium of all Creditors i.e. Banks, Leasing Companies should be made for taking appropriate legal action for doing an agreement with Schon Group, which purposefully delayed the processes of recoveries and put banks in a situation to take legal action and to hire eminent lawyers on heavy fees.
    This is an appeal for a noble cause. I request you to eliminate financial corruption and bad practices within financial framework.
    Be a part of Honest Executives of Pakistan who can dare to speak against the people who are deliberately giving financial losses to Pakistan for their personal gains. Use the power delegated to you for poor tax payers of this poor Nation.
    I look forward to an appropriate action which can change the History of Banking industry of Pakistan. More so, I shall anticipate your response to the issues and the corruption which has plagued our country.

  3. Dear M/s Huguette La Belle
    Transparency Chair, Canada

    I want Mr. Aamir Ahsan Khan may kindly be selected for the 2012-13 transparency international integrity awards because his efforts and bravery is not appreciated till now he is waiting for a small act of appreciation from the National and international organizations and above all government of Pakistan.He was the major source of information to blow the whistle of a scam by a Group to recover $ 3400000 ( US Dollar Thirty four Million) from them.

    I felt miserable after knowing the story of Mr Aamir Ahsan Khan in a local newspaper as the root cause of his country’s destruction is the corruption which is deep rooted and has destroyed almost all the institutions of Pakistan…now how can a person like Aamir Ahsan Khan is not given justice when people raise the slogans of removing corruption from the world.

    I would like to share a cause page on a face book, a Pakistani is a victim of in justice and seeking help from all human right organizations. Please find few links which I am sharing with you. He is among very few who fought to eliminate corruption. I strongly recommend Mr. Aamir Ahsan Khan of Karachi, Pakistan for Integrity Awards 2012-13 (Transparency International).

    Mr Khan is individual with a family in Karachi, Pakistan where people are kidnapped and killed without any justification. I would like to request you and all honest and dedicated people and organizations to come forward for a real cause and help him.

    International Human Right Commission (IHRC) selected him as the Ambassador of Pakistan for "Fight Against Corruption". This selection was made solely on his contribution to anti-corruption efforts in Pakistan.

    Hope my appeal will be understood as a genuine request and your board will appreciate Mr. Khan honesty. Patriotic and responsible people around the world will appreciate your selection.

    Mr. Khan contact details are as under.

    Email: [email protected]
    Mobile: +92-3009233927

    Kind regards,

    Maud De Boer
    Department of Human Service

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