Azerbaijan has market for Pakistani rice and fruits


Azerbaijan has a huge demand for Pakistani agricultural products especially, Basmati rice and fruits, including mango, dates and others. The two countries also have a potential of joint ventures in pharmaceutical and manufacturing of surgical goods. This was said by ambassador of Azerbaijan in Pakistan Dashgin Shikarov in a meeting with office bearers of Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) at KCCI head office on Thursday. He informed President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to Azerbaijan was expected shortly and during his visit Pakistan-Azerbaijan Business Forum will be established.
He further stated in the Joint Ministerial Session held in December 2011 that both sides have decided to enhance economic relations at par to the political relations. According to the ambassador, Azerbaijani visa regime is strict for countries worldwide, however, for the citizens of Pakistan and Turkey, the visa policy is open.
Pakistan and Azerbaijan are two Muslim brother countries, having profound love and regard for each other. He said Pakistan after Turkey was the second country to recognise Azerbaijan. Pakistan supports Azerbaijan on the dispute of Armenia and likewise, Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on the dispute of Kashmir. He said Karachi Chamber’s recommendation will be treated as adequate requirement for issuance of business visas. He invited President KCCI to take a business delegation to Azerbaijan and informed about the possibility of investment in oil and gas exploration sector and electricity export to Pakistan.
The ambassador informed Pakistan can export its value-added agricultural products to Azerbaijan like, mangoes, dates, fruits, sports and surgical goods. He said Azerbaijan has a liberal investment policy and Pakistani can invest there. Azerbaijan also has a strong industrial base and textile industry. Talking to the ambassador, President KCCI Mian Abrar Ahmad urged the Azerbaijani investors to invest in oil and gas exploration sector in Pakistan and highlighted the possibilities of trade in agricultural value-added products. He was of the view that economic relations between Central Asian Republics and SAARC countries will be a win-win situation and bring economic revolution in the region. Azerbaijan while taking advantage of the geo-strategic relations of Pakistan, can export their consignments via Gwadar and other ports of Karachi to SAARC, ASEAN and GCC countries.
He opined the Western countries never liked the idea to develop Gawadar port for the progress and prosperity of Pakistan.
According to Abrar, with the efforts of KCCI, Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Chamber is formed and efforts are underway to establish Bombay-Karachi Joint Chamber. He also proposed the ambassador about the similar cooperation with KCCI’s Azerbaijani counterpart. He also requested the ambassador to invite exhibitors to participate in Karachi Chamber’s My-Karachi Oasis of Harmony Exhibition, scheduled to be organised in July 2012.


  1. i like to go in azerbijan and i can invest there in azerbijan ,i come back before some days from europe and i stay 14 years in europ and work hard there and now im taird from there becuse of hard work and i read this page and i like to go there in azerbijan but how to get visa or i no have any frinds there in azerbijan if any body can give informations about azerbijan pleae so im so much thanks full if you …………………….thanks a lot [email protected] please e,mail me thanks asif

    • what type of investment you have in mind.

      i lived there several years ago for some months and might be able to iv yo some idea.

      pls inform where you living in europe and passport you holding. also have you contated azeri embassy in country of your residence. [email protected]

  2. any body help me about azerbijan bissness and azerbijan visa please becuse i no have any friend there i want to know how kind have bissness there in azerbijan…………………..please countict with me by email [email protected] i come back from europe aftr many years and i like to start bisness there in azerbijan ,,if some boody know about azerbijan work and how i invest there and what bissness i open there in azerbijan so plese countict with me by my mails thanks asim asif again i wriete you my e mail [email protected] asim asif

  3. pak fruits foods must be for pak peoples -not for profiteering exporters … focus focus on needs of pak peoples for affordable essential foods fuels ..

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