Just what the fisherfolk needed… boats and authorised nets


The World Wildlife Fund for Nature Pakistan (WWF-P), under its ‘Indus for All Programme’, distributed 10 boats and authorised nets among the fisherfolk of the Keenjhar Lake as part of the livelihood development plan. “The main source of livelihood for the community living alongside the Keenjhar Lake is fishing and the majority of it is poverty-stricken and lacks basic infrastructure facilities,” WWF-P Programme Coordinator Nasir Ali Panhwar said on the occasion. “The livelihood of fisherfolk is affected by the increase in population and degradation of natural resources,” he added.
“As a result, fisherfolk are finding it hard to get respectable livelihood sources and they lack the financial resources to buy the basic equipment required to catch fish.” Panhwar said due to limited options of income, the locals go to nearby areas to cut trees and also hunt migratory birds at the lake, deteriorating the environment in the process. “Responsible ecotourism needs to be promoted through engaging the local communities as this would provide them with alternate sources of livelihood and also reduce pressure on natural resources,” he added.
Fisheries Assistant District Zulfiqar Larik said his department is working closely with the fisherfolk living along the Keenjhar Lake. “The fisherfolk now understand the negative impacts of illegal nets and are helping the department to remove them completely from the lake.